"Let's Spend the day with The Other Girls, and Yuu and Yuri's Sharp Confession"

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Your P.O.V

I woke up from the sounds of my alarm clock, I got up and stopped the alarm clock using my hand, once I finished that, the time was '5:41 AM', still early, I look at the window and started thinking how to get out of here, I mean, we're almost done here, and we can't stay in this game forever, plus we gotta get Natsuki to know about this since she is saved now, we should do this now, as for Sayori, it's almost finished, Akai got the knife and noose, he gave it to me and we watched it burnt by me, so in other words, we can definitely let Akai confess or whatever, well...Unless he can get her to stay at the Literature club for a while, and then confession come up, but when? that's the question, as for Monika, she's fine being with me, her tablet is still with me though, I looked at the tablet on the desk, just looking at it made me feel like it can somehow help me, I got out of bed and head towards the tablet that is lying around the desk, I leaned towards it, I leaned back, took the tablet, and sat down on my chair, I then opened it, it shows the screen of the home page, I then found an app that is named: "??? app". I started investigating it, I then tapped on it, and I blacked out.

I woke up feeling cold and....wet? I got up and look what I'm stepping, it's water filled with 1's and 0's, as I looked around my surroundings, there was flashing lights, Red, Green, and Blue, as I look in it, there are numbers of 1's and 0's, I then saw colors making a path, a path that I should follow, I followed it, and there it leads me to a screen, a screen that has my wallpaper in it, I then realized that it's my computer, I then tapped the DDLC folder, and it opened up, as a usual thing, it's the same, there is the DDLC.exe, game's folder, character's folder, log.txt, and so on, I tapped the game's folder and started opening RenPy together with the script and started looking and exploring to it, and I found something interesting, the Reality.exe, I guess I made this last time while I was tampering with the game's folder, I immediately opened it, and it shows codes and numbers everywhere, weird, I didn't typed any of this here...Maybe I can use this for safe keeping...I then felt some shaking and crumbling, and then I blacked out.

I woke up somewhere, somewhere I'm not supposed to be in, because Monika's face is showing my vision which I don't know how she got here, wait a sec, Monika, she then leaned back and there shows the other members of the Literature club, I get up, "What the...Where am I?" I said groaning, "You're in school dummy! that's where" Natsuki said and left, "Good thing you're awake now Y/N, we were worried about you...Well, I should get you something to drink okay...." Yuri said and left to get a drink, "OMG!! Good thing you're awake now Y/N, I was so~ worried about you!!!" Sayori said as she hugs me, "Don't scare me like that okay" she added, "I won't Sayori, I won't and I'm sorry for worrying you guys" I said, Sayori let go of me and left, "Y/N...What did you do...We were at home earlier" Yuu said, "Y/N...Did you tamper with the script using the tablet?" Monika asked, "...I don't know...All I did was explore it nothing else" I said, "Well I'll have to check it then, just for a sec" Monika said, she then closed her eyes and stayed focused, I let her be, I then stood up from the ground and wait for her answer, she then opened her eyes and sighed in relief, "Phew, nothing has tampered, we're safe" Monika said, "Anyways...Just act normal today..." she added and left, "Phew good thing nothing has changed from the game," Akai said, "Mhm...Something tells me...Y/N...what did you do?" Yuu asked, "I explored the game scripts, that's all" I explained, "Good" Yuu added, we all then left and do some things.

After a while, we share poems like usual, Sayori stayed and didn't leave, that's good, Yuri erm did take Yuu's poem though, but he did mention he made another poem for back up in case this kind of thing happens, Natsuki is doing fine, as for me, I'm just sharing my poem to Monika, after that I continued going to the others, I then finished and went to my sit, Monika then announced for the festival coming up next week, we then decided to go to their house and do some project for the Literature club, "Natsuki, you know what to do right?" Monika asked, "Mhm, I'm baking cupcakes!" she confidently said, "Sayori, you'll be making some flyers of the club member's poems they'll be making" Monika said as she looks at Sayori, "Aye aye President Monika" Sayori said as she salutes to Monika, Monika giggled and turned to Yuri, "Yuri...Erm...You'll be doing decorations to fill up the atmosphere" Monika said, "Sure, I love atmosphere" Yuri confidently said, "As for you four, you erm" Monika said as she thought of some activity, "Oh! you four can help one of us!" Monika said, "So first, Yuu, who do you want to help with?" Monika asked, "Hmm...Maybe I can help Yuri with the decorations, I'm always a fan of arts" Yuu said, "Okay then! you're with Yuri then, what about you, Rei?" Monika said as she look at Yuu and then to Rei, "I would rather bake, so I'm with Natsuki on this one" Rei said, "DAMN YEAH!, HIGH FIVE!" Natsuki said as she raised her hand, Rei then gave her a high five, "Aha, what about you Akai?" Monika asked as she turned to Akai, "I'm helping Sayori" Akai said, Sayori smiled at him, Akai then smiled back at her, "So then that leaves me and you huh Y/N" Monika said, "Mhm" I replied, "Well, that's for today, remember to do what you're supposed to do and bring it to the club on Monday okay" Monika announced, we all nodded and packed our things, I mouthed at Akai and Rei to wait outside and know the truth by later, the nodded and waited outside, as I looked at Yuu he was about to leave, Yuri stopped her and told him to wait, and I'm pretty sure she's going to confess, Yuri then walked towards Monika, "Hey Monika...Can you leave first, I want to have a private talk with Yuu here..." Yuri said, I didn't want to bother there talking so I just leave them be, I theb walked to Yuu, "You do realized what's coming right?" I whispered, Yuu nodded, "But I'm scared, what if I can't do this and failed to save her..." Yuu said, "Just calm down, and do it okay" I said, "But I don't know how to, I kept freezing when I get scared" Yuu said, I then thought of an idea, "Hey Yuu...Remember that problem when you get turned on you'll go straight forward right?" I said, "Ya...What about it?" Yuu asked, I smirked, "I think I've got an Idea" I said, I then noticed a hickey on his left neck, I don't know where he got it but I'm taking this to his advantage, and just then Monika was about to leave, I put the robot that I got on my birthday last year, on Yuu's neck and left, I turned around and said, "Take care of Yuri okay" I said and got pushed off by Yuri, we were in front of the others but Yuri and Yuu since their inside, "So let's explain this whole life of yours shall we?" I said, "Wait what!?" Monika said, "Why now?" she asked, "We're almost done with this so it's better to let them know immediately" I said, she then nodded.

Yuu's P.O.V

As Yuri pushed Y/N out of the room I stood there like a coward, Yuri closed the door and begins to walk towards me, "Finally..." Yuri said, "This is really all I wanted" she added, "We can now spend together Yuu...The whole day just the two of us...Wouldn't it be wonderful" she said and laughed, "Ahahaha..." she laughed, "Wow...There really is something wrong with me huh...But you know what? I don't fucking care anymore, I've never felt better in my whole life, just you being with me is the best pleasure in my whole life! I'm addicted to you Yuu, I really am...It just makes me feel like killing myself if I'm not breathing the same air as you...Doesn't that make you happy when someone like me cares about you Yuu..." Yuri said, I was frozen I didn't move I didn't know what to do, on the corner of my eyes I see Y/N watching me, I'm guessing he's waiting for it to come huh, "But it feels so good...Then why does it feel more and more like something horrible is going to happen? Maybe that's why I tried stopping myself at first...But the feeling is too strong now" she said, "I can't do this anymore! I have to tell you!" Yuri shouted, that was when something was rubbing my hickey making me turn on so badly, Yuri then continued "I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU YUU!!" Yuri shouted, I can feel my erection is going harder and my breathing is getting heavy, "It feels like every inch of my body...every drop of blood in me...is screaming your name...I don't even care about what's gonna happen, I don't even care if they're listening!" Yuri said, "Please Yuu...Please know how much I love you..." she added, FUCK I'm gonna get turned on right now...And then once I get turned on, my other side would control over me!, "I love you so much that I even touch myself with the pen I stole from you...I just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside you Yuu..." Yuri said as her eyes shrunk, I can't take it! it's coming!!, "I even remember the fun we have Yuu...Do you remember it? you pleasured me too much I just wanted to do that again! I just want you all to myself Yuu, no one else is supposed to touch you no one...no one...no one, no one but me! doesn't that sound perfect? does it? please tell me Yuu, please tell me..." Yuri said, DAMNIT IS ABOUT TO COME!!!, "Please tell me you'll be my lover..." she added, after she said that my 'erection' came, my other me came, my eyes are full lust and I can move, "Do you accept my confession?" she asked, I didn't reply. A few seconds I saw her pulled out the knife and laughed, "Ahaha..", "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Yuri laughed, she then was about to stab herself but my body moved, I ran towards her and....Grabbed the knife, but not the handle...Not that...Because I grabbed it's body, because of that, my hands bleed and fell on Yuri, "GAAAAAAAHH!!!!" I screamed, Yuri's eyes widened and snapped out of it, I then threw the knife to the side and hugged her, "ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF!? YOU CAN'T KILL YOURSELF JUST BECAUSE THAT'S YOUR DECISION, BECAUSE THEN WE WOULDN'T BE TOGETHER YURI, WE CAN'T!, WE CAN'T IF YOU KILLED YOURSELF!!" I shouted angrily, her eyes shrunk in shock, "No...no...no...This..This is all m fault..." Yuri whispered, "No Yuri...It isn't...It's the script's fault..." I said, "Script?" she asked, "We'll talk about this later okay?" I said, Yuri nodded and returned the hug, "I'm so sorry if you got hurt because of me...I'm really sorry....." Yuri apologized, "It's fine Yuri...It's fine...Plus...I hadn't answered you yet..." I said, "Really? then what's your answer?" Yuri asked, I let go of her to look at her face, "Yuri...I love you...I will be your lover...Forever.." I whispered, she teared up, I held her back head and leaned in for a kiss, I then kissed her, she was shocked at first, but she returned it, I kissed her passionately, I licked her bottom lip for entrance, she opened it, I then inserted my tongue in and 'fought' with her tongue, we then continued this until Yuri pulled off, "Let's bandage your hands first?" she asked, I nodded, I get off her and she then stood up and took the bandages from the closet and came back to me, she sat down, opened the kit, and bandaged my hands, "Wow...the cut was to in" I said as I look at it, "Don't worry Yuu...The cut will heal in a matter of time, for now let it be" Yuri said as she finishes bandaging both of my hands, I look at Yuri, "I love you..." I said, Yuri looked at me, "I love you too.." she replied, we then kissed again, but this time a short one, after a few minutes we came out of the classroom, and there we find the others...

"We knew everything.." Natsuki said Sayori nodded, while the others just gave a poker face, "What everything?" Yuri asked, I then explained everything to her, "So...You mean this is all a game and nothing else?" Yuri said I nodded, "I see...I understand...And Monika deleted us..." Yuri said, she then turned to Monika, "You could have been ashamed of yourself!" Yuri shouted at her, I stopped her, "Hey it's fine...She brought you back and everything was okay, we saved you all, we really did" I said, she looks at me and hugged me, "Thank you..." she said, "We couldn't have done it without Y/N here..." I said, she let go and looked at Y/N, "Thank you Y/N..." Yuri said Y/N nodded, "You don't have to thank me..." Y/N said, "So, let's figure out how to get out of here?" Y/N said, I looked at everyone, we nodded, "LET'S DO THIS!!" we all shouted.

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