Chapter 5: Cannibal Coverups

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As expected, people will get curious, it's what they do. It's always good to be prepared for these types of situations. Below are a few good covers for any scenario that could come your way.

     People are most likely going to ask you where you get your meat. Unless you're an absolute idiot, you know better than to tell them the truth. You can't tell them a specific place either, if they check they might find out that that place doesn't offer the meat you claim to be using. Instead, you should tell them that you get your meat from a private butcher. There's no way for them to check if you're telling the truth.

    People will also start wondering where the people you kill are going. This is why it's best not to kill many people close to you. The best thing to do is kill strangers. Then people will think there's a murderer. Then if you do kill a few of your friends, people will still think it was the murderer.

     Another thing you need to be prepared for is police questioning. In the unlikely case that you do get questioned, you need an alibi. That's why is a good idea for you to have lots of hobbies and friends. If you were busy hanging out with friends the day of the murder, then your friends can vouch for you. The police will never know the exact time of the murder. As long as you do it in the privacy of your home, it should be hard for them to find a body as well.

    The last thing you need to be prepared for is someone finding out. If someone catches on to you, they could go to the police. This is why it's good to build trust with people. If they trust you, it's going to be a lot easier for you to convince them that you're not a cannibal, even though you really are. If you don't have a strong bond with them, then you might have to resort to other methods of dealing with them. If you think they're on to you, follow the golden rule of cannibalism: snitches end up in ditches. Or in this case, snitches end up on dinner tables.

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