Mick & Leonard

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Hi I know it's been a long time but I found this draft in my google docs and I thought I might as well post it. It's been at least several months since I've updated a story and I just haven't had must interest in any of the Cw shows as much as I used to.

Plus I doubt anyone is reading my stories still aha.

Mick and Leonard were in the Cargo bay, completely drunk. They just finished a very stressful mission against Savage, and of course, they lost.

No one was hurt this time. Well, Rips ego but that's all.

Meanwhile, Mick burped as he finished his thirteenth bottle of beer. "Snart."

Leonard looked over at him, his eyes glassy, completely blood shot from all the beer and vodka. "Sup, Micky."

Mick groaned. Somehow Mick was more sober than Leonard. Leonard drank only two shots of Vodka and six beers. Guess he doesn't have much of a tolerance for alcohol.

"I could go for some fried chicken," Mick grumbled, throwing a beer bottle into the trash can.

Leonard smirked and stumbled over to his cold gun, which he was repairing before Mick ruined his evening. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Mick smirked as well. "Hell yes." Mick grabbed his heatgun and stumbled a little, causing him to walk into a wall. He growled as he wiped the blood dripping from his nose.

"Let's go get me some fried chicken."

Meanwhile, Ray and Kendra were curled up in her bed, enjoying a episode of a tv series called, 'The Vampire Diaries.'

"Wait, so, Caroline is now a vampire?"

Ray chuckled and brought Kendra even closer to his chest. "Yeah, Katherine killed her."

Kendra sighed. "For some reason, Caroline kind of reminds me of Sara."

Ray scrunched his eyebrows together. "Um, I don't think Sara was ever killed in a hospital, or suffocated?"

Kendra shrugged. "Just a feeling."

Mick and Leonard stumbled into Kendra's room. Leonard chuckled as he accidentally froze the floor underneath him, causing him to slip to the ground.

Kendra and Ray chuckled. "They're really drunk?"

Kendra nodded. "Guys, please go somewhere else?"

Mick burped. "Chicken?"

"Excuse me?" Kendra growled.

"We came here for fried chicken," Mick said, holding up his heat gun.

Ray raised his eyebrow. "I bet Gideon can make you some in the kitchen."

"No. We want special fried chicken. Kendra fried chicken."

Ray and Kendra groaned. "Not again."

Mick fired his heatgun and was aiming at Kendra but ended up hitting Leonard in the shoulder. Leonard giggled as the fire collided with his shoulder. "That tickles daddy!"

A high pitched scream was heard from Ray's mouth and both Mick and Leonard stopped moving. Mick dropped to his knees and looked at Ray. "All hail the chicken queen."

Meanwhile, Sara walked into Kendra's room with popcorn. She stared at Leonard and Mick for a quick second before snorting. "Looks like someone had too much to drink."

Leonard glared at her. "Why are you not hailing the chicken queen?"

Sara raised her eyebrows and snorted. "Kendra?"

"No, Palmer," Mick growled.

Sara nodded slightly and walked over to Kendra and Ray. She placed the popcorn on their bed and quickly returned to the door.

"Where are you going?" Snart asked, hopping off of the ground.

"My room?" Sara replied, sharing a glance with Kendra.

Leonard smiled and winked. "I'll come with you!"

Sara smirked. "Maybe next time." She put on a serious face and pointed at Kendra and Ray. "We're picking up Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle in a hour. They need our help with something. Just get them sober." With that she walked out of the room, dramatically flipping her hair for effect.

Leonard smiled. "She's hot."

"Hell yes, we should go smash that!" Mick grumbled, sharing a smirk with his partner.

Ray quickly got out of Kendra's bed and looked at the two crooks. "Maybe we should, I dunno? Tie them up?"

Kendra rolled her eyes. "Yes! What a great idea! Let's tie up two master thieves with access to a cold and head gun!"

Ray frowned. "I don't understand. Is that a yes or no?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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