a connection

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How about that last chapter, huh? *evil laugh.* 

Once again, this book will have many sex and smut scenes.  It will NOT be slow-paced.  It will be a fast-burn and steady-burning.  I do not like writing slow burners because where is the fun in that?! ;) 

Captain Phasma stood in the doorway, her bulky armor large and intimidating and glistening in the bright light.  She held a large blaster in her hands, and Rey was suddenly very thankful that Kylo Ren was still here with her and that he hadn't walked away quite yet.  Based on what had just occurred, she knew he wouldn't let the Trooper hurt her.  

Rey tried to gain control of her emotions and breathing as quickly and as subtly as possible.  Kylo was doing a much better job at it.  His face was stoic, his breathing even and quiet and the blackness of his eyes had subsided.  Rey was disappointed about that. She hoped, deep down, that she would be able to see those black eyes again on Kylo Ren. 

She prayed to the Maker that Phasma or Kylo could not hear her pounding heart.  It was loud and fast in her ears, sounding very similar to the engine of an X-Wing.  It refused to ease as a bead of sweat trickled down her face. 

Rey wanted to wipe the sweat away, but the restraints still prevented her from moving and she shifted uncomfortably.  She didn't dare look at Kylo Ren.  If she met his eyes, her heart would start ponding again and it had finally started to slow down a tad.  t

"Sir, Supreme Leader Snoke requests your and the scavenger's presence immediately." Phasma said, breaking the silence.  She spoke almost robotically, each word perfectly spoken in a disciplined manner.

Kylo's face moved slightly, though Rey knew she was the only one who noticed.  She saw anger flash in his eyes, and his brow furrowed for a moment, though she didn't know why. 

Anger whipped through Kylo at the sound of Phasma referring to Rey as a 'scavenger.' He tossed it aside quickly so as to not be noticed by Rey or Phasma.  He didn't know what Snoke wanted, but he assumed that he wanted to confirm that he had obtained Rey on StarKiller Base. 

But the thought of that monster near Rey, touching her and talking to her, made Kylo fearful. But he had to push his worry and fear deep down and cast it aside, as Snoke could never know of what was growing between him and Rey. 

Kylo Ren turned to the trooper.  "Inform the Supreme Leader that I have the girl and I will be with him shortly."

Phasma nodded and turned away, her red cape swishing behind her and dragging on the floor.  The door slammed shot behind her, and both Kylo and Rey let out long, deep breaths that neither knew that they had been holding. He walked over to her and wiped the trickling bead of sweat from her brow, surprising her. The restraints fell away and Rey sighed in relief. 

Kylo took her hand and ran his thumb over the irritated skin where the cuff had pressed into. He ran his fingers over it slowly and gently. He looked at her with sad eyes, like he was sad that the restraints had hurt her. 

"I'm okay, Ben." Rey said, slipping out of the chair and standing next to him.  She gazed up at him, admiring his smooth hair and the darkness of his eyes. He glanced at her lips and she saw the hesitation enter his eyes once again. After a moment of intense eye contact, Kylo Ren cleared his throat. When he spoke, his voice was low and serious and his face gave no indication that he was being anything other than serious. 

"Do not speak unless spoken to. Don't look at him until he tells you to. Do not breath loudly. Do you understand?" He was dangerously close to her face, she could feel his hot breath on her face as it tingled her skin. Rey fought off a shiver that threatened to overtake her again. 

"Yes," she whispered.

"Do you?" he said harshly, searching her face carefully.  Kylo wish she could understand the gravity and seriousness of what was about to happen.  Snoke would not be welcoming to her.  The Supreme Leader wanted all Jedi dead.  Which meant he would toy with Rey, poke around in her mind and try to turn her.  When that would inevitably fail, then he would begin with the torture.  And that was the part that Kylo feared with his whole soul.  He didn't know if he could bear to see Rey scream and cry and try to fight off the grip over her mind. It would tear him apart. 

He saw fear on Rey's face and could sense it too, just as she sensed his. She assumed he feared Snoke just as much, if not more, than the galaxy did. 

Kylo Ren took Rey's hand in his gloved one, squeezing it gently.  Rey stared at him in disbelief.  

"I will be right there with you, Rey." She could tell he wanted her to trust him, trust that he would be there for her.  But trust was something she was not ready to give to Kylo Ren quite yet. 

Ever so gently, Kylo brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face that had come loose form her bun. He tucked it securely behind her ear, his touch making tendrils of heat course through her body and face. 

As much as Rey wanted the moment to continue, it had to end.  Kylo grabbed her arm tightly and lead her out of the door and down the dark hallway that seemed to look like every other hallway in this place. 

They took many turns, Kylo guiding her, before they arrived at set of large, metal doors.  They towered above Rey and she cranked her neck to see the top.  Immediately, she could feel a shift in the Force.  A dark feeling gripped her and coldness overwhelmed her.  The Dark Side was here, and it was strong.  She had senses the darkness before, in Kylo, but never like this. 

It was so powerful and she feared it. Phasma stood at the doors, blaster poised in case Rey tried to make a daring escape before she was lead into this dark chamber. Kylo eyed Phasma, who turned to the panel of gate controls and punched a few of the bright, blinking buttons on it.  

Phasma turned to Kylo and gave a slight nod before turning and heading back down the maze of hallways.  Rey didn't know how anyone could find there way in such a place. A loud hiss made Rey jump slightly, and Kylo squeezed her arm reassuringly. 

The doors slid open, a slight mist escaping into the hallway and crawling at Rey's feet.  The feeling of the Dark Side intensified.  Rey could feel it pulling her, urging her to succumb to it and embrace the power. 

Inside the chamber looked to be more darkness, an eternity of darkness that went on forever.  Rey swallowed nervously, though she took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind.  She reached out to the light, to the Force that would guide her and help her be strong in this moment.  She would be strong.  She would face Snoke and not bend.  

Kylo lead her into the chamber, and he hopped that Rey would be right.

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