a dream

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The Dream

Kylo slowly and softly closed the door to his quarters. Rey examined the room, taking in the fact that there were very few personal touches. He didn't like clutter or useless objects--just the bare necessities. 

His room was identical to hers in every way other than it being substantially larger than Rey's.  Since he was Kylo Run, he had been graced with a room twice the size of any regular one here in the First Order. The stars danced and twinkled outside the large, pane window, their light streaking  faintly across the dark room. 

Rey flopped shamelessly onto the mattress, her act eliciting a small chuckle from his lips. Unlike Rey, who was still wearing all of her sweaty, dirty training gear, Kylo removed his shoes and socks, swiftly throwing off his shirt as well, before sitting next to her body on the bed. The temptation to lay down next to her and weave his hand through her delicately gorgeous hair was strong.  He didn't know how he had gotten himself into this predicament. Rey needed to leave.

"Rey,"Kylo began.

" Will you sleep with me?"

Kylo's heart sputtered and he coughed violently into his fist at the sound of her sweet words floating through the air. His lower half, thoroughly confused by her sudden question, sprung to life, straining his pants in the process. He desperately needed a cold shower and a quick solo session. Just a few minutes alone and he would Rey and the idea of her naked body below his out of his head.  Hopefully.

"Rey, sweetheart, you can't stay with me." The words slipped off his tongue so naturally it took hi ma few moments to realize his fatal mistake.  Rey realized it too, pearing up at him with a look in her eyes that he couldn't quite recognize.  It was a look he hadn't seem before, a mixture of confusion and...comfort?

Oh no.  No, no, no.  He could not have this woman believing that that particular term of endearment would be used often in the future. He needed to snuff this out now before it got further out of his hands.  

Just a few more minutes and he would be alone in his shower, doused in cold water and able to give into his thoughts and temptations that had more to do with this bed than anything else at the moment.

"Rey, he began again.

"Please." She begged. At that moment, Kylo realized that he would do anything in this world if Rey uttered that on word.  Please burn this village down. Please teach me to fly a TIE. Please fuck me.

Kylo shook that last thought from his head, though not fast enough to avoid another unpleasant jolt towards his hardening cock. He gritted his teeth slightly as it begged for attention.  Having Rey mere inches away from him, in his bed, was not helping matters.

But despite how badly he wanted her out of his quarters, he just couldn't bring himself say no to her.  She looked exhausted after all, and he too was fairly tired after the events of the day.  As long as he restrained himself and slept at the far end of the bed, far far away from her luscious body, then it would fine.  Nothing would happen.

"Okay, but just for tonight." Rey's eyes gleamed with excitement at his words.  She rolled over immediately and started digging herself underneath the covers, cozying up under the thick comforter. She sighed happily. 

Kylo pulled the covers back on his side, making sure he was at the very edge of the bed, the furthest he could get from her. He felt bad though--he could sense her disappointment at the fact that he was literally as far away from her as he could get.  But if she insisted on sharing a bed with him, then this was what he had to do. He had half a mind to jam a pillow between them in case she wanted to snuggle up to him in the middle of the night. 

The though of waking up to her body snug against his, her legs slung over his, her scent in his nostrils-- well, it made him and his cock mad and excited simultaneously. In his dreams he would want nothing more than for her to curl up next to him, him holding her tightly and securely like nothing would ever harm her in her sleep. But this was no dream unfortunately.

"Goodnight Kylo." Rey's voice dreamily slurred.  It was clear she was dozing off, her breathing becoming steadier in the thick silence of the room. 

Kylo stayed silent until her breathing fell into a deep rhythm until he replied.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

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