a decision

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"No." He said. For a moment, he saw a flicker of dissapointment in her eyes along with what could only be sadness. He caressed his thumb across her cheek , then leaned in to whisper in her ear. 

"I will take you to mine." He felt Rey shudder slightly at his words, her body trembling. "How does that sound, apprentice?" Rey nodded while she nibbled on her bottom lip. A jolt of arousal flew through Kylo Ren, traveling down to his groin. He suppressed the urge to adjust himself. 

When the elevator opened, Kylo took Rey's arm and guided her down the hallway. The hallways were deserted, their footsteps echoing loudly. Everyone was likely still at the ball. Rey did not recognize the hallway-- it was deep within the ship, far away from her quarters and the training area where she was confined to. Kylo lead her to a lone door nestled into a corner at the very end of the hallway. He opened switfly, ushering Rey in. She heard the lock click behind them-- a smile threatened to spread across her lips, but she suppressed it. She was trying not to get her hopes up that something was going to happen tonight. 

She could be wrong about the tension between them. Perhaps she was reading too far into it, and he didn't feel the intense heat burning between them. It likely had started that day in the interrogation room, when the heat had obviously gotten the best of him, made him act in an animalistic way that excited and aroused Rey.  Gods, she wished she could see that side of him again. Pehaps, she could even bring it out of him. 

However, she tried hard to conceal her emotions. She knew that Kylo could likely feel her emotions and read her thoughts, and if this feeling that had engulfed her entire body was not reciprocated, she would be humiliated to no end.

She glanced around the room, taking in her surroundings. So this is what Kylo Ren's personal quarters looked like. Stark. Bare. Minimal clutter. She wasn't surprised at all. 

The bed was encased in a black comforter, with a black headboard bearing down over it. The carpet was a stark white, contrasting with the darkness of his furntiture. There was no desk, no chair, no lamps. If she had walked in here on her own accord, she would likely not have been able to guess or even know that someone lived here.  There was a small closet tucked away in the corner. But the view of the galaxy took Rey's breath away. The window spanned the space of the wall, looking out into the blackness of space. 

"Do you like it?" Kylo's voice rumbled behind her.  She turned to face him, though he was so close she had to pear up at him despite the heels she wore. 

"It's very you. There's basically nothing in here." She teased. A small smirk appeared on his face, his eyes twinkling with amusement. 

Without really thinking, Rey tooK Kylo's hand and weaved her fingers through it. She felt him stiffen beneath her, and she thought he might pull away. But after a moment, he softened into her touch and squeezed her hand. Rey's breath caught in her chest as he put his finger underneath her chin and angled her face toward him. Rey couldn't breathe, couldn't move-- he was mere inches away from her face. She could feel his warm breath on her face, and she desperately wanted to kiss him.

 Kiss him, touch him, feel the warmth and hardness of his body moving above her. She wanted to explore him with her fingers, thread them through his hair and ruffle it. 

"You're thoughts are so loud." He whispered in amusement. Rey could feel her cheeks heat in embarrasement, though he made no attempt to push her away. He stayed, his hand entwined with hers, his finger caressing her chin. Kylo Ren did not look away.  

Kylo Ren moved slowly, inching his face closer to Rey's. Their lips ghosted each others-- she could almost taste his full lips, and she ached to taste to taste him, to kiss him with wild abandonment and swirl her tongue in his mouth. They stayed there, not moving, their heavy breathing the only sound in the room. Rey could feel the warmth coming off of him, and suddenly the room felt hot and small. Her arousal, her need to be with him, was starting to consume her fully. 

Kylo Ren could sense her arousal, could feel Rey's heart and blood pumping wildly in her body. He saw her thoughts, saw her desires. She wanted him, she wanted him badly. At least Kylo thought she wanted him badly, especially due to the ache pulsing between her thighs. He could feel her ache; it matched his own.  

His cock twitched painfully in his pants, desperate to spring free. He wanted to bury it in Rey, stretch her wide and pound himself into her tight, wetness. Gods, he was hard for her, so hard it was almost painful. He heard the small breaths coming from her, she was almost panting now, desperate for him. 

But why was she desperate for him? Why was this innocent, good, woman full of light and hope, wanting him? He had killed people-- women, children. Innocents. He was a killer, a monster. He did not deserve this woman. He sighed, and slowly pushed Rey away as he extracted his hand from her grip. 

The look on her face almost tore him apart.  He saw the flood of emotions in her eyes, could hear her thoughts flying through her mind. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion, and her bottom lip started to tremble slightly. His heart was about to shatter into a million pieces-- she was going to cry. 

But why? He didn't understand. Surely, Rey understood that he was evil, an iredemmable monster who deserved no forgiveness, and no salvation. 

He sighed deeply, putting his hand on her cheek. Surprise fluttered through her, but hurt was striken all across her face. He had hurt her. 

"You must be tired. It's been a long night."  She finally spoke, her voice small and low. "I'll go back to my quarters, and see you tomorrow." Her voice broke on the last word, emotion clogging her throat.  Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. He had rejected her. He has pushed her away, even though she knew he liked her. She knew he had felt the same way, felt the tension simmering between them.  But obviously she had been wrong, horribly wrong. 

She turned toward the door, but his hand captured her wrist in a tight grip. "No." 

Why would he want her to stay when he had pushed her away? Surely the thought of her amazing company was not making him protest.

"Stay, please." His voice trembled slightly, his eyes big and full of some emotion that Rey could not put her finger on.  Longing? Dissapointment? None of those made any sense to her. 

She could stay in this room where the need to be close to him was driving her mad. His hair, his eyes, his smell- it drove her crazy. And she didn't know why. Why was she attracted to this man? Why did she want him so badly that it made her bones ache? 

It wasn't like he was romantic and gentlemenly and sweet. He was Kylo Ren, leader of the First Order, Sith apprentice. And yet, she could not find a plausible reason for why she wanted him. He should make her want to run and cower for her life, though all she wanted to do was wrap herself around him and never let go. Because, under everything, they were similar. 

She was an orphan, abandoned by her parents on a desert planet to fend for herself. He wasn't orphaned, and his parents were leaders, strong and courageous, and obviously cared about him. But had been left alone while they fought war and politics-- he had been left behind. And that sadness, that lonliness, drew her to him. 

Rey could stay, or she could go back to her quarters, where she would likely toss and turn all night, thoughts of Kylo Ren and his raven, black hair and soulful eyes. And then she would wake tomorrow, alone, and then embark on a dangerous mission where she would have to go and possibly fight and kill her friends. 

But she didn't want to be alone.

"Okay, I'll stay."

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