Chapter 2: Gomora's new foe

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 2 now it's time for a new character to reveal himself. Now let's begin)

Gomora P.O.V

"After his battle against Red King, Gomora went back to the forest trying to find a safe place until he saw a cave and went inside"

Gomora: well....i guess this is my home now "sighs" it kind of make sense since i'm a monster well....not now but atleast i'm safe from aliens, humans and....ultramens

(A/N: here's the sad music)

"Gomora remembers the days where he was slaved by aliens and had to defeat an ultraman, those days were never great, Gomora rememberd his first battle against the first ultraman, he managed to beat him but that was still not great, he lost his tail after being attack by the humans, he even lost his middle horn and his right horn when he was battling again the first ultraman and the worse part was....he got killed by the first ultraman. Gomora really hate it that, being revived and slaved by aliens forcing him to kill an ultraman even know he ends up getting killed"

Gomora: maybe this world isn't so bad at all even know i'm stuck as a human but atleast i'm safe

"Until Gomora thought of something, he was wondering about that girl that help him against Red King"

Gomora: (why did that girl helped me)

???: i knew that you'll be in there

(A/N: end of the sad music)

(A/N: now for the encounter music)

"Gomora saw a women outside of the cave, she had red eyes and a black hair, she was wearing a black dress but the thing that surprised Gomora is that she had horns, bat wings and a rattlesnake tail"

Gomora: who are you

???: my name is "eyes glows" Alien Darkness but you can call me Lillie

Gomora: Alien Darkness ? Wait your an alien ?

Lillie: indeed i am

Gomora: that's strange i never see an alien like you especially when other aliens teams up

Lillie: it's because i prefer working alone

Gomora: so what do you want ?

Lillie: all i need is your help

Gomora: my help ?

Lillie: yes since there's no ultraman you'll be my monster and you'll go destroy Vale so that i can take over this world

Gomora: (here we go again) why would i do that ?

Lillie: why not there's no ultraman to stop you now

Gomora: but—

"Before he had the chance to talk, Lillie eyes started glowing and she disappears, Gomora didn't know where she was until she appears behind him and licks his cheeks"

Gomora: ah ! "turns around" what are you doi—

"Gomora was cut off as Lillie pushes him making him fall to the ground, he was about to get up but Lillie stopped him by going on top of him and holding his arm"

Lillie: you know out of all the monster that i saw your my favorite your one of the strongest especially even when you defeated Red King

Gomora: wait are you the one that summoned Red King

Lillie: indeed

Gomora: so are you gonna let me go

Lillie: not until i have my anwser

"Lillie closed her eyes and started leaning closer to give Gomora a kiss but Gomora used his legs to pushed Lillie away from him"

(A/N: end of the music)

Gomora: "gets up" sorry but i rather not work for an alien

Lillie: "gets up" oh but why not don't you want to have your revenge

Gomora: i don't need revenge i'm not on earth anymore and i'm so done and so tired of you aliens using us for your dirty works especially when we have to kill an ultraman and in the end it's us that die !

"After what Gomora said Lillie started to laugh"

Gomora: what's so funny !

Lillie: that's the most bravest thing i heard from a monster especially when there not listening to there master

Gomora: your not my master

Lillie: very well then i guess i no choice "eyes glows"

"Lillie fired laser beams from her eyes. Gomora quickly dodged the attack and hit Lillie with his tail sending her out the cave, Lillie opened her wings and flys away"

Gomora: "gets out of the cave" well i guess i'm not safe here better get out of here.....will i be able to be accepted to the city.....better try "starts walking"

Lillie P.O.V

Lillie: you don't need to be angry my plan almost worked

Cinder: work ! Do you think seducing him would work

Lillie: well it was not much of seducing but i got other plans

Cinder: like ?

Lillie: you'll see

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for today hope you enjoy and i'll see you next time)

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