Chapter 3: monsters attack and familiar faces

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 3, it's time for more Gomora action. Now let's begin)

Gomora P.O.V

"Gomora was hiding behind buildings trying to not get seen by the humans"

Gomora: (well everything seems to be alright except that i need to not be seen by the humans)

Blake P.O.V

"Team RWBY was having a nice walk at Vale until Blake stopped walking and noticed something weird, she sees a strange Faunus hiding behind buildings"

Blake: (why is that Faunus hiding and what kind of Faunus he is ?)

"The strange Faunus then disappeard, Blake was getting suspicious but she ignored it's and follows her Team"

Gomora P.O.V

"Gomora was still hiding behind buildings until he decides to dig but still struggles"

Gomora: dammit the ground is too hard for me and i still can't dig

"Suddenly the ground started shaking"

Gomora: what's going on !

"Three giant monsters came out of the ground"

Gomora: Golza, Gomess and Lunatyx !

"The three monsters let out a roar and starts destroying buildings while everyone were running for their lives"

Gomora: well better stop them before they destroy everything

"Gomora touched his bracelet and it's started glowing, he also glows and starts transforming into his monster form. Gomora let's out a roar to get the three creatures attention, the three monsters saw Gomora and they were ready to fight"

(A/N: heres the battle music)

"Golza, Gomess and Lunatyx started charging at Gomora, Gomora punched Lunatyx making him fall, he then kicked Gomess making him back away and Golza was about to hit him with his tail but Gomora grabbed his tail and throws Golza sending him crashing into a building, Lunatyx got up and fired a fire ball hitting Gomora and making him roar in pain. Gomora then hits Lunatyx using his tail and making him fall again, Gomora two horns started glowing, he was about to finish Lunatyx off until he got hit by Golza purple laser making him fall, Gomess grabs Gomora by his tail and throws him sending him crash into a building"

(A/N: end of the battle music)

Gomora tried to get up but he was too injured, the three monsters were ready to finish Gomora off until Lunatyx got distracted by something touching him, he turned to see Team RWBY fireing their attacks at him, he fired a fire ball at them but they dodged, Lunatyx started chasing them but suddenly a fire ball appeared and hit Lunatyx making him roar in pain. Gomora looked up to see a small bird flying"

Gomora: (who's that bird ?)

"Out of nowhere a yellow tail wrapped around Gomess and started electrocuting him making Gomess roar in pain, Gomora looked behind Gomess to see a familiar monster"

Gomora: (Eleking !)

"Golza was about to fire his purple laser until he got hit by a fire breath burning him and making him roar in pain, Gomora looked up to see another familiar monster"

Gomora: (Tyrant !)

(A/N: heres the helping music skip to 0:18)

Tyrant: so this is where you were

Gomora: yeah

Tyrant: come on let's go help Eleking and Litra

Gomora: right

"Gomora got up, his two horns started glowing and he fired from his middle horn his ultra shock wave, Tyrant fired from his ears his arrow beams, both attack touched Golza making him roar in pain, as both monsters stopped their attacks Golza was trying to move but he falls to the ground and explodes, Eleking's tail let's go of Gomess, Gomess was paralyzed, Gomora then runs towards Gomess and stabs him with his middle horn, he then fired his ultra shock wave making Gomess roar in pain and he then explodes"

Eleking: long time no see Gomora

Gomora: yeah now come on let's all finish this

Tyant/Eleking: right

"Lunatyx was trying to hit Litra but she was too fast for him, the four monsters were ready to finish this, Gomora fired his ultra shock wave, Tyant fired his arrow beams, Eleking fired his lighting beam and Litra fired her fire balls. The four attacks hits Lunatyx and he explodes"

(A/N: end of the helping music)

"The four monsters let out a victory roar and they glowed turning back into Faunuses, Gomora turned around to see his friends"

Gomora: Tyrant, Eleking how did two get there

Tyrant: let's say we got taken away by a portal

Gomora: oh "looks at Litra" and who's this ?

Eleking: this is Litra we meet her when we were taken away by the portal

Litra: nice to meet you Gomora

Gomora: nice to meet you too Litra

Tyrant: so umm what now ?

Gomora: how about we hide


"Team RWBY was surprised after what they saw"

Ruby: did you all see that

Blake: yeah

Weiss: who were those monsters ?

Yang: who knows but i'm guessing they will be big help

Lillie P.O.V

"Lillie was in the Emerald forest, she watched the whole battle and she smiled"

Lillie: soooo Gomora's friends has appeared well then i guess i need stronger monsters

???: you better not fail me Alien Darkness

Lillie: don't worry i won't

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for Chapter 3 hope you enjoy and i'll see you next time)

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