1.2 | late night skype calls

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+jaemin pov

I sat on my windowsill, my laptop resting on a pillow on my crossed legs. I was trying to finish a creative writing assignment that I had due for the next day but so far I had only written one paragraph. I was writing about two soulmates who were connected in some way or other (I hadn't gotten that far yet).

My speakers were playing music that I often played to help me study or work.

I was looking out my window, trying to rack my brain for ideas on what to write next when my laptop let out a pinging sound to let me know that I had an incoming call.

It was a contact that I did not recognise so I jumped off my bed and placed the laptop on my sheets. I hid beside the bed and ducked my head, that way when I accepted the call I wouldn't be seen and I would be able to see who it was that was calling me.

I pressed the accept button and ducked, waiting for the connection become strong enough that I would see the callers face.

I heard a slight muffling and then a cough and decided to peek my head over the side to see who it was.

I ducked back down and screamed.

The caller was wearing a mask of some sort and decided to scare me.

Then I heard historical laughter on the other side as they took off the mask and fixed their hair.

'I hate you! Why did you scare me like that?' I jumped back up on the bed and rested the laptop on the pillow.

'You screamed so loudly, that was hilarious!' He continued to clutch his stomach in hysterics as his eyes formed little crescent moon shapes as he laughed.

'I hate you Lee Jeno.' I buried my face in my hands in embarrassment.
'You don't mean that.' He waved his hands after calming down a little.

'How did you get my Skype?' I tilted my head in question.
'Mark gave it to me. I wanted to talk because I was bored and yeah...' he shrugged.

'Oh right... what do you think of those group chats?' I sat upright.
'They're so ridiculous.' He shook his head and laughed, his eyes once again downing little crescent moons.


'Oh god did I say that out loud?' I once again buried my head in my hands.
'You did.' He nodded and laughed again.

I let out a groan in embarrassment and shook my head.
'I'm sorry.'

'Why are you apologising?'
'Because it's embarrassing!'
'I- I- I don't know it just is.'

He nodded slightly before asking me what I was doing.

'I'm trying to write a story for creative writing about two soulmates who are in some way connected but I've only written the first paragraph and I don't know what else to write. Any ideas?'

There was a brief silence before he spoke again.

'How about the two are connected by a small detail like... umm... if one gets hurt the other feels their pain or something?'

Once again, silence.

'That's a good idea, thank you.' I made the video call smaller and began typing.

'What are you listening to?'
'I know but what song is that?'
'Umm.. Bite My Tongue, it's by The Academic.'

'It's nice. You have a good taste in music.' He adjusted the laptop a little and readjusted his seating position.

'Thank you.' I blushed a little at the compliment.
'What other songs have you been listening to lately?'
'Just different things. Whatever comes on shuffle really.' I shrugged.

He nodded once again. There was a lot of nodding going on.

There was another silence apart from the music played in the background and the occasional sound of my fingers tapping at the keyboard.

His face was lit up by the screen and the soft light from a lamp that was nearby. His blonde hair was falling into his face and he occasionally fixed it with his hand. His brown eyes moved back and forth, scanning the screen in front of him and his mouth was in a small smile.

How can someone look so perfect doing nothing?

+jeno pov

I scanned the screen and his facial features.
His face was mainly lit up by the screen and the moonlight, his bedroom light was on in the background so he was slightly out of focus but he still looked beautiful. His chocolate eyes were looking from me to the keyboard and I could hear the tapping of his fingers against the keys. His hair was blowing a little in the breeze that was blowing into his room from the open window he was sitting in. He kept sweeping his hair back out of his eyes and his lips were mouthing the words of what he was typing. He looked beau-

'Hey Jeno, I just came to check-' I jumped as my mother entered my room to check on me.
'You scared me!' I held my heart that was beating fast.

I heard Jaemin laugh and whisper 'karma' as I glared at him.

'Who are you talking to?' My mother approached my laptop.

Her face lit up when I said the name and she mouthed 'can I talk?'

I rolled my eyes and nodded as she came and sat beside me.

'Don't say anything embarrassing, please.' I whispered as she laughed at me.

'Hello Jaemin.' She smiled widely.
'Nice to meet you Mrs Lee.' He waved a little.

'He is cute!' She turned to me and Jaemin laughed having heard what she had said. 'It's nice to meet you too. You look even more handsome than in the photos Jeno showed me!'

I hit her arm and shooed her away as Jaemin threw his head back in laughter.

'Thanks, I guess!' He called after her.

I raised an eyebrow at my mother as she said her apologies and gave me a thumbs up and a wide smile.

'He's really nice Jeno, he's a keeper!' She whispered, keeping her voice down this time.

I rolled my eyes as she left the room and closed the door softly behind her.

'Can I have your mother please? She seems really nice.' Jaemin smiled.
'You're only saying that because she compliments you.' I laughed and shook my head.

He began typing again and I went back to admiring his features.

We talked for another few hours, Jaemin managed to get his assignment done and we talked then about school and friends and just everything and nothing in general.

At around 1am Jaemin moves from his place in the window to his bed and decided to finally go to sleep, I could see his eyes closing a little when he wasn't talking.

'Will you stay here until I fall asleep?' He whispered gently, turning down his music to a low volume that was nearly inaudible.

'I'll be here.' I whispered back.

He smiled a little and rested his head on his pillow, his eyes struggling to stay open.

'Talk to me.' He said softly, drifting in and out of sleep.

Breathe by Lauv began playing in the back as I started talking.

I began to talk softly and told him everything I liked about him from the way his eyes shone when he talked about the things he loved to the way he laughed and how he made getting up in the morning worthwhile.

He smiled softly until he fell asleep and the song playing in the back finished.

'Goodnight Jaemin.' I smiled as I ended the video call and placed my laptop on the bedside table beside me.

I lay on my back and looked at the ceiling above me, listening to the cicadas humming gently outside, my eyes becoming heavy with sleep.

You're my all and more.

Sorry for not updating in two weeks, I've been busy with school and stuff and haven't had time to update but yeah,,

Song at the top;
Gentle Bones ~ I wouldn't know any better than you

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