1.7 | "car crash"

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We arrived at the beach around an hour later, most of the journey was filled with us screaming lyrics to songs and laughing until we could barely breath, our sides hurt and there were tears streaming down our faces.

The last quarter of an hour was basically silence with Haechan's soft playlist streaming from the speakers softly, everyone but Mark drifting in and out of sleep.

I sat on the seat by the window beside Chenle, Jisung was at the other window with Renjun at his feet asleep, but was wide awake. Jeno sat at my feet and he too, was asleep. His head rested gently on my knees, his mouth open slightly with little snores escaping his mouth. Every so often he would shift in his seat and adjust his heads position on my legs but would fall back into comfortable sleep as soon as it had happened. I smiled down at his sleepiness, his messy hair and flitting eyes.

When we reached the beach I looked in the mirror to mark who whispered for me to wake Jeno up.

'What about everyone else?' I whispered back, leaning forward in my seat a little.
'I'll wake them up.' He smiled lazily.

I had some idea of what he was going to do and smiled at the thought.

I bent down to Jeno and shook him softly as his eyes began to open slowly, a slight smile gracing his face and lighting up his features as he awoke.
'Good morning.' I whispered before planting a light kiss on his forehead.
He smiled more and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

'Are we there?' His voice was deep and raspy from sleeping but goddamn it was hot.
'Yes we're there.' I laughed to myself.

He straightened himself up and turned to look out the window.

I had forgotten to look out at the view myself and took the opportunity to roll the window down a little.

As soon as I did, the cool sea air blew in from outside causing Chenle to shift in his seat a little.

The view was stunning; the golden sand blew across the beach in the cool wind, the various shades of green grass swaying slightly against the blue and gold backdrop. The bright blue waves rolled in lazily and frequently, crashing against the sand and forming white bubbles along the beach, various shells, seaweed and stones scattered along the beach after being carried in by the cold water. The far off green trees swayed and shook with the wind and the cliffs in the distance seemed to glisten in the early morning sun. The sky had barely any clouds and was a nice shade of baby blue, getting progressively lighter as the sky met the horizon.
There were little to no people there apart from those old couples or dog walkers as it was a weekday and many people would be working or at school. It was perfect.

Jeno sat back down and rested his head back on my knees and smiled, blush gracing his cheeks.
I smiled at him as Mark waved to get my attention.

'What?' I whispered.
'I'm going to wake them up now.'
'Okay, you don't need to tell me when you are.' I half hissed back.
'I do because I need you to start screaming and pretending like we're going to crash.' He smiled evilly.

I shook my head and looked at Jeno who looked up at me with a look of scepticism but a slight hint of evil flashed in his brown eyes. He nodded in agreement.

I looked back at Mark and gave him a thumbs up.
'I'll count down from three and when I say go then we all start acting like the car's gonna crash and I'll beep the horn, okay?'

I laughed and nodded before preparing myself.

"3... 2... 1... GO!' Mark whisper shouted and began honking the horn and screaming, Jeno and I following his instructions.

Haechan immediately jolted awake, his head snapping so far forward I thought he'd give himself whiplash as he screamed in fear.
Chenle snapped awake, his eyes full of panic and dolphin screams erupting from his mouth as he clutched onto the back of Mark and Haechan's seats.
Jisung jolted awake and looked around frantically before bursting into tears and shouting "help me".

I erupted into fits of laughter and so did Jeno, Mark stopped screaming and rested his head on the steering wheel as he laughed loudly.

The three boys then began whining when they realised that we were in no danger and Jisung kept crying as Chenle comforted him.

'Why would you do that to us!' Haechan shouted in Mark's ear causing him to flinch.
'I hate you all!' Chenle laughed and screamed.
'I thought I was going to die!' Jisung rested his head in his hands.

'How in the hell?' Jeno finally spoke.
'What?' I looked down at him.

He didn't answer but simply pointed to where Renjun sat on the ground across from him.

My eyes widened in shock as Renjun sat with his head resting against the back of Haechan's seat, still asleep.

'How the hell did Renjun manage to sleep through that?' Chenle asked before kicking Renjun in the leg.

He remained asleep.

'Let's just all scream at him together.' Mark suggested we we all shared glances. '3... 2... 1... GO'

'Renjun!' We all screamed in unison as an old lady with a dog walked past the car, jumping as we began screaming.

Renjun didn't jolt awake, nor did he scream. He didn't even nearly give himself whiplash. He simply yawned and opened his eyes sleepily and causally.

'Are we there yet?' He asked rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his blue hoodie.

'Yes we're there! How the hell did you sleep through us screaming and honking the horn?' Jeno asked, his eyes nearly as wide as Renjun's mouth as he yawned once more.

Renjun was cute when he was tired and clueless, but this is a nomin story not norenmin.

'I'm a heavy sleeper, I guess.' He shrugged his shoulders as Mark began clambering out of the car.

I laughed before everyone else followed suit and began getting out of the rusty red contraption.

When we all managed to get out, the cold, salty sea air hit us like a brick wall. I shivered in my place as Jeno came to stand by my side.

He wrapped his arms around me and my cheeks began to turn a bright red colour.

'Let's go fight some seagulls!' Chenle screamed as he ran past at full speed, closely followed by Jisung who was laughing loudly.

They sprinted down onto the golden sand, clouds of sand flicking up behind them as they ran.

Haechan was dragging Mark down the bank to the sand but by the sounds of it, Mark was mainly concerned with the fact his shoes would be full of the grainy stuff.

Renjun was still getting out of the car, his eyes half closed.

I laughed before making my way down the bank and onto the warm sand. Jeno soon followed and ran to catch up with the rest of them.

'Renjun hurry up!' I shouted but what I hadn't realised was that the cool air must have woken him and he was now sprinting past me laughing, sand flicking up into my face.

I laughed and ran after the six happy boys down to the water.

Today was going to be amazing.

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