jae loves jungkook

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"kim namjoon"

"kim seokjin"

"min yoongi"

"jung hoseok"



"and they're the only good members of BTS!" jae yawns as he prematurely ends the fanchant.

"HEY" Jungkook practically screams at jae, "WHAT ABOUT ME? IM THE MOST IMPORTANT! IM YOUR FAVOURITE MEMBER!"

"you was, until you missed me out before jin" jae shrugs as he lowers his head to rest on jungkooks lap.

"not that i'm not enjoying my time with you but this is boring without the others" Jungkook says, as he threads his fingers through jae's newly dyed blonde hair.

"mmm..." jae hums in agreement, opening one of his eyes only to be met Jungkook's dark brown eyes staring right back at him. "i miss them, especially taehyung"

"i'm better than taehyung, right?" Jungkook asked, smiling his famous bunny smile as he believed that he already knew what jae's answer was.

"not necessarily" jae sighs closing his eyes once again in hopes of some more sleep.

"i'm sorry. what?" jungkook stares at the elder whose head is still rested on his lap.

"taehyung would never miss me out of the fanchant" jae replied grabbing jungkook and lowering the boy down into a lying position next to him, "however i'm willing to look past that if it means i can get a few extra hours of sleep."

jungkook chose not the reply to the eldest member, instead he chose to lean closer into the others hold willing to not argue with the stubborn man.

a quiet 'goodnight' was the last thing to be muttered between the two men before they both drifted of to sleep.

!! probably lots of grammatical errors but i'm not an official english lit student until august so i don't care!!

i have seccessfully learnt the entire script to 'a cat in the hat' and now i think i should write the cat in the hat but with kpop idols. tell me that's not my best idea i D A R E you

anyway how is everyone? i'm just existing and vibing. although found out that my friends were talking shit about me behind my back which was fun so.... anyway. enjoy.

BLACK SWAN ➪ BTS 8TH MEMBEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora