Chapter 19

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               Aunt Vera wasn't home last night. Ever since I got here, she's been heading out late. Must be a part time job or something. Either way, I put my used uniform up and pulled out the third set Chandler insisted I take.

               I still can't believe it! A drug lord...

               I shook my head. Incredible. Not in a good way of's terrifying. I can't help but think that's one reason Chandler is the way he is. He's a rotten person...but, in the back of my head I can't help but feel sorry for him.

               His mother is a drunk and his father is...well...I don't even know their relationship. There aren't any siblings around, and he's off working to cover up his dad's underworld systems most the time.

               Great...yet another thing that's corrupted my love for Collide.

               A lot of people liked my latest chapter, but I don't know if I'll be able to make another one just as good. Oh...great!

               I grabbed my lunch and started for the door when I saw Chandler's limo out front. My eyes bugged open.

               Chandler?! Oh gosh...what do I do? Should I pretend I left already? Crap, what do I do? Why is he even here? For the past week he's made me walk to and from school...

               Before the horn honked, I gave up before trying and pushed out of our little house with my homework, and Chandler's homework, then awkwardly stomped over to the car, opened my old passenger side door and slid in to see the boy in question looking out the window.

               "Pleasure to see you Miss. Did you sleep well?" The driver smiled while pulling out.

               "V-Very well. Thank you." No...I didn't. I couldn't sleep at all. Besides the fact that I had this work to do, I couldn't stop thinking about Chandler.

               I'm not kidding, the aura of this guy is really confusing me right now. Should I say something?

               "Why'd you come to pick me up?"

               Chandler let out a quick sigh then pulled out his ear phones which were in an unbelievable tangled mess. His slim long pale fingers were struggling with the first not. Oh goodness. It's actually a pathetic sight. I can't believe I just thought that. I never would've thought that before meeting him.

               "Here." I quietly spoke after taking the earbuds from him causing his bright eyes to flash at me.

               "I can do it myself." He spat.

               I can do it myself? Why can't you do your homework yourself?! Well..haha...

               "You're going to ask me to do it anyway." I stifled a giggle. Haha.

               As my smaller fingers went to work on his expensive wires, I could feel him watching me, and for some reason he looked extremely puzzled. I didn't think it'd be this easy to be around him after last night.

               "Done!" I laid his earphones down beside him while he tapped on his cell phone a few times. "You should take better care of your things."

               "Tch. Cocky today aren't you? Taking my earphones, then telling me how to take care of them?"

               I must be seeing things, but I'm pretty sure Chandler is clenching his jaw...really tight. Is he pain? Or is he just...upset about something?

CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora