Short Story: Q and A session part 3

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Me: Ok....As you all know, I announced that Raven would be sitting in on this Q and A, and I will gracefully, screw off. By the way, I thought that, since the questions were abundant, I'd make this short story, separate. So, a chapter will come shortly after...Hopefully.

Raven: Uh...are you sure this is ok? I think they'd rather me not be here...I didn't even agree. Even though this is amazing. I should do this with my fanfic!

Chandler: Ugh...what the fvck is it with you two and fvcking fanfics!

Me/Raven: They're awesome!!!

Chandler: I can't believe this...and why the fvck did you drag Raven into this? She didn't want to do it, you just sprang it on her like a jack in the trunk.

Me: It's jack in the box.

Chandler: Whatever. Fvck...All I know is, it sucks.

Raven: I do have some things to do. Things to talk over with Blair and all in things?

Chandler: What things?

Raven: Nothing...

Chandler: Do they involve Paul?

Raven: No...they don't. If I was going to see Paul, I would tell you.

Me: So, insecure.

Chandler: You shut up. Well what are you gonna talk about then? With 'Blair'.

Raven: Why do you go 'Blair' as if you think I'm lying? Sydia, please, I know you're fans were probably counting on this, but I don't think I want to be around Chandler right now, if he doesn't think his girlfriend is telling him the truth!

Chandler: Well you assumed a lot too!

Raven: I thought we were past this! I forgave you about Adeline!

Chandler: There was nothing to forgive!

Raven: Then why'd you lie about being with her?

Chandler: I told you! So you wouldn't be jealous!

Raven: Then why were you with her in the first place?!

Chandler: I...I...

Me: ....Uh...Enough! You're doing it!

Raven: Ok...

Chandler: Don't talk to her like that!

Me: Excuse me? I can talk to her anyway I want!

Raven: She wasn't being mean Chandler...

Chan: Shut up! She was!

Raven: ...Well you'd know all about that that wouldn't you?!

Chan: Fvck you!!

Me: ENOUGH! Leave it to the readers! Does he bully Raven? Yes or no? ...Chandler! Glaring at the screen isn't going to keep them quiet. Comment right now if he does, please.

Raven: Ok! First question...Bye Sydia...

Me: Bye.

Raven: Iiiisss, from, _still_not_bitten_ and she asks-

Chandler: Wait! Let don't want to read this...I'll just answer it by myself.

Raven: Chandler, we have to read them aloud so that the audience knows who's asking and what they're asking, otherwise there's no point. So go ahead.

Chandler: That' know what? Fine. They ask "what if u and raven got it on but u were so caught up in the moment u forgot a condom...?" Happy?

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