The Dream

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Bright white light...

That's all I saw...........I was in a room of just bright white light.........

There was no one else. I looked around and saw no one. Then I looked down at the ground..... or at least what I thought was the ground .... I felt at peace and at tranquility.... but then I heard something....

"Angel, do you remember?"

I look up and see a person ... but it doesn't make sense.... how?!! How could she look just..... just like me?!?!

She had short brown hair........ pale skin........ and freckles that dotted their nose...... I wasn't sure about her eyes though; for some reason she had them close..... but still she was basically a...

She was an exact copy of ..... of me.....

"Do you remember, Angel?" My clone in front of me questioned again.

I answered her question saying that I don't know any angels and that I am not an angel.

She moved closer to me. "Do you remember Angel?!" My clone asked me and I repeated my answer saying I don't know any angels.

She got even closer to the point where we were almost chest to chest. "Do you remember Angel!?!?" she asked still with her eyes close. I was getting annoyed by her at this point so I yell as loud as possible at her "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT AND I AM NOT AN ANGEL!!!!!"

And then in a blink of an eye, her hand was on my throat choking me. And then she opened her eyes.... oh god how I wished she never opened them!

Her eyes were .... were terrifying .... they were blood red .... and looked like they were the eyes .... the eyes of the devil!

And in a demonic voice she screams, " YOU WILL REMEMBER ME ANGEL!!!!" And she squeezed my throat tighter.

And then the room went black ....

Then color re-entered my vision. And I awoken, panting like crazy. I look around and see that I am home ...... in my room. Safe. I run to the bath room and splash water on myself. "It was just a dream Samantha. It was just a dream," I whisper to myself over and over as I look at my throat, seeing handprints right where my clone was choking.

But it was just a nightmare ..........

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