Day Before School, School

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(that would be amazing if that actually happened at school)

Sabrina: So, I guess this is kind of an update, Seth already tried breaking the 4th wall, the author got a bunch of flex tape and fixed it! But I guess you could ask questions if you want

Sabrina: anyways, enough breaking the 4th wall, let's just get on with the chapter...


Seth: guess what day it is!

Edge.exe: what're you talking about? It's hump day, you're not a camel

Seth: That's not wat I was talking about!

Deer: It's September 5th... (When this chapter was written)

Seth: Oh come on! You two are boring, I'm getting friends if nobody gives me an answer

Quiet: Day..?

Sabrina: *pats Quiet's head* it's okay Pappy, I have no clue either

Squid: blub blub blub blub, blub!

Sabrina: *sigh* he said,'The Day Before School, School!'

Seth: awww yea boi! That's mAh DuDe! *Fist bumps with Squid*

Edge.exe: what the- funk- is that?

Edge.exe: heccin wot m8? Well, can I say- shoes-?

Edge.exe: DAMNIT!

Edge.exe: holy- shoes- I can say that but I can't say- sass-?!

Seth: I turned most swearing off, cuz there's no swearing on my Christian Server!

Edge.exe: Who are you?! Fre-

Seth: wait, you guys said it was Wednesday, right?

Deer: yeah..?


Sabrina: to be honest I should've seen this coming...

*Someone breaks though the window*

???: Did someone say that it was... Wednesday?!

Seth: I did, and you are?

???: Hey! Listen! I wasn't done explaining! I'm Lotion, the meme fairy!

Seth: are you a-

Lotion: I'm not done!!! You better watch out! Or I'mma SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP you outta thissa house!

Seth: *gives a thumbs up*

Lotion: I'm just curious, what's day before school, school?

Seth: It's a wonderful day! It's the day you go to school, before school starts! It's also the day where you get to go to school before school starts!

Lotion: I'd do that but I don't know the wae, nor do I go to school anyways!

Seth: I can show you a school! C'mon, just yeet through the window!

Lotion: JUMP IN THE CAAC! *Jumps through a closed window*

Seth: what a weirdo

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