What Did You Do?!

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Seth: hey, remember how that 4th wall is there?

Edge.exe: yeah, why?

Seth: have you ever noticed how the creator can just phase through it, while writing it?

Edge.exe: what are you getting at?

Seth: you'll see...

-a while later-

Author: hey guys! I'm going to update a chapter, and-

Seth: can you come here a moment?

Author: *goes up to Seth* what is it, do you have an idea?

Seth: I was wondering if... *Stabs the Author* ... I could write the story from now on.

Author: no... *Gags on blood*

Seth: I wasn't asking... Anyways, I'll be taking this, and... *Takes the phone*

Seth: and maybe make Sabrina stop rejecting me.

Author: as you wish... *Fades to dust*

Seth: yeet! I win!

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