A Hint

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Peridot POV

"Lapis?" I said unsure if it was her. She turned around surprised then gave a disgusted look.

"Oh, it's only you. Why the fuck are you here? Shouldn't you be crying yourself to sleep?" she said rather rude.

"Okay, one rude. Two, I came here to star gaze. I didn't know you would be here. I wanted to ask you what happened during our childhood. What you said yesterday really got stuck in my head." I said slowly sitting beside her.

"Did you not here me yesterday, nerd? I said for YOU to figure it out! For someone who's soo smart can't even think of the past of the most heart breaking thing in your life! My life!" Lapis yelled.

"Then if it's such a big deal, then tell me! I can't do this all by myself! Your in this too!" I yelled in frustration.

"Is you yelling at me, brat? Didn't your mom teach you manners?" Lapis said picking me up. Man, these chicks are real bodybuilders.

"Lapis? Are you afraid of something?" I asked.

"What!? Hell no! If I was, I wouldn't be cowering like a little bitch like you. I'm not like Jasper, beating you down right away. Be thankful I'm giving you a chance." Lapis said letting me go.

"Where your going?" I asked

"You idiot, do you see how late it is? I'm already not suppose to be out here this late." Lapis said leaving.

"Wait! Let's get to know each other more. Want to meet at the Big Donut? 400PM? Also, can you give me a hint. Please." I said pretty desperate.

"I'll think about it. If I don't make it, then I'm busy. You want a hint on why I hate your guts? Ask you uncle." She said before finally leaving in the distance.

My uncle? He's like 29 years old. How does he have any connections in this? If he knows something, then Emerald and Malachite may know something I don't. Have they been holding secrets all these years I been living there? I need to investigate this all around. I wonder if Jasper would like if I started trying to hang with Lapis more? Only one way to find out. I started to head back home, knowing to get a lecture from my uncle.

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