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Lapis POV

Me and Aquamarine just sat in the living room. it was dreadfully quiet, both in our thoughts thinking what was the worst that could happen. My heart was pounding, no words could describe what I was feeling. Aquamarine on the other hand, did not seem to intrigued. I saw this, and asked her what was wrong.

"Aqua, are you okay? You seem uneasy." I said.

"No. As a matter of fact, I'm beginning to question why are we doing this." She said. I was beyond disbelief

"Are you kidding me!? You basically said you wanted a better life for yourself and your baby! You seriously just can't all of a sudden ditch out. Once your in, your in. There is no going back." I said. I tried not to yell, but I honestly couldn't help myself.

"Lapis. Look at us. It's too late for us. We are the bad seeds of sluts that never gave a damn about us! I am tired of the sadness! I am tired of the depression! Don't you care about how I feel? Oh, wait you beat up your own sister every time you gotten mad over Jasper because I'm nothing but a joke to you!" Aqua yelled. I saw tears coming from her eyes. Did I break her that bad?

"I thought we establish this. I told you that was my old days. I love you like any sister. Who protected you every time you was being bullied? Who got up every day, made you breakfast to make sure you was fed and clothed? Who always was there to support you in everyway I could?" I said walking towards her. She thought I was threatening her so she stood up herself.

"Oh yeah? Who was the that was my bully just to impress Jasper? Who was the one that kept hitting me for your enjoyment and pleasure of hearing me cry? Who wasn't there to protect me when I was being raped and tortured from our father!? When he was hurting me, do you know where mother was!? You never came nor at least tried! Haven't you thought when I was gone for a long time, to think where was I!? Screw you Lapis!" She yelled running towards the door.

"Fuck, Aqua wait! You don't know where your going!" I yelled towards her, following her.

It was too quick, Aqua never pays attention to her surroundings. All I heard was the horrible sounds of the wheels screeching, and the heartbreaking sight of her face looking at me one last time. I just stared there shaking. Something in my mind broke. I couldn't move my own two legs. Two car doors opened, and I was relieved but shocked on who they were.

Emerald? Peridot?

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