Prologue: The Aprentice meets the Hunter

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is the Prologue to this story and you should know what's going to happen in this prologue,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Predator P.O.V

"The Hunter is on its way back to his ship after the hunting the he just finished, as he heads there he hears a scream in the distance through his heat vision. He looks in the direction and he runs to there and activates his cloaking, as he runs there he sees a hidden warehouse in the distance, he gets a good view and sees a human child boy being beaten by a group of what he learns as the White Fang Soldiers. The predator growls and he decided to save the boy.....................

(Y/N) P.O.V a warehouse in middle of nowhere, a 8 year old boy named (Y/N) (L/N), just got done being beaten and tortured by White Fang soldiers as they killed his family and kidnapped him, he gets dragged upstairs and he gets thrown in a room where that's his cell.............
White Fang Soldier 1: "That'll teach you for trying to fight back you little human scum."
..............he walks out and slams the door and (Y/N) lays there crying and he curls up in a ball and he continues crying, then as he does he sees something on the floor as its three dots that looks like it forms a triangle, he gets confused and he looks to see its coming from outside, he goes to the window limping and he sees the window cage broken as he opens it and he looks outside to see where it came from...............
????: "Over here!"
..............he hears a mysterious voice and he looks around..............
(Y/N): "Hello? Anyone there?"
????: "Over here."
..............(Y/N) gets scared, but he jumps out the window as he lands on the ground he grunts in pain cause his leg, then he walks to the woods trying not to be seen from White Fang soldiers and he hears rustling in the trees and he noticed something in the tree and it revealed itself:

(Y/N) gets scared, but he jumps out the window as he lands on the ground he grunts in pain cause his leg, then he walks to the woods trying not to be seen from White Fang soldiers and he hears rustling in the trees and he noticed something in the ...

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..............he gets terrified, but then he was calm down when..............
Mysterious Creature: "I won't.........hurt you. I safe."
..............he said those in different voices and he looks at the room and he hears the door open and he runs in the woods..............
White Fang Soldier 2: "HEY, FREEZE HUMAN SCUM."
White Fang Soldier 3: "DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!"
..............he continued running and he ran as fast as he can, but the snow made him slow. Then he runs faster and he hears footsteps as he sees a White Fang Soldier chasing him, then he keeps running and he trips, but keeps running. But, another soldier jumps on him stopping him.............

3rd P.O.V

(Y/N): "GET OFF ME!"
White Fang Soldier 3: "STOP RESISTING!"
.............the Predator gets angry and he does his wrist blades as he runs towards him...............
White Fang Soldier 3: "I GOT HIM. *holds his arms to the ground, then he punches him* STOP MOVING HUMAN SCUM!"
..............his vision is blurry as (Y/N) is being held down as the soldier waits for everyone, but then a clicking like sound is heard and they both look:

(A/N: Start at 00:55 and end it at 01:03.)

..............(Y/N) sat there as White Fang Soldier was just killed in front of him as his blood is in his face, then the Predator looks at (Y/N) as he grabs him and picks him up as he holds him. Then the White Soldier's body gets dragged by the Predator and for once (Y/N) was satisfied with what happened.............

3rd P.O.V

..............more White Fang Soldiers and the others chased behind to help the other soldiers catch (Y/N), but they heard screams that was identified as one of theirs and as they arrived they didn't see them anywhere...............
White Fang Soldier 3: "They're both gone."
White Fang Soldier 4: "Damn it. They were here where are they?!?!?"
White Fang Soldier 5: "Hey buddy. Where are you?"
White Fang Soldier 4: "He might be chasing that brat again. How did he let him get away?" of em looks around until he saw the blood trail in the snow and a dragging like trail, he follows it and he follows it until it ends and he sees blood going up the tree and the White Fang Soldier looks up and he is horrified to see his fellow soldier's body hanging upside down dead and skinned....................
White Fang Soldier 1: "Oh my god. NO!"
...............he yelled loud enough where the rest of the soldiers appeared...............
White Fang Soldier 5: "Oh my god."
White Fang Soldier 4: "Shit."
White Fang Soldier 1: "He's..........dead. He's dead."
White Fang Soldiers 5: "That kid couldn't have done this right?"
White Fang Soldier 4: "No, this is the same as those other murders. Someone killed more of our soldiers and did this for some reason."
White Fang Soldier 1: "This killer probably killed that stupid kid anyway."
White Fang Soldier 4: "No. That killer didn't kill him, he is nowhere to be found and he would be dead with him. That kid is alive."

(Y/N) P.O.V

..............(Y/N) is being carried by the mysterious creature as he takes him somewhere and he boards a ship with the creature and he rested his head on it...............
(Y/N): "Thank you."
...............then the doors close and he feels the ship take off as the creature placed (Y/N) on a blanket as he went unconscious after being exhausted.............

9 Years Later

...............then through the years he lived with the creatures he learned about them and also trained under them for 9 years, then at the age of 17 he became the first human to become a Yautja Hunter, he is now walking up the stairs and he stood face to face with the king as another is handing a dagger to him, the king takes it and he makes a cut in the palm of his right hand and he does the same to (Y/N) as they shook hands with em cut as they share blood now, then he looks at the gathered hunters and both (Y/N) and the king raised their arms and the hunters did the same as they roar...............
(Y/N): (I am now one of them.)
................then (Y/N) felt the blood of the Yautja through his veins and through time his eyes changed to their color and he grew sharp teeth and his roar is mixed with theirs and his to do a mixed roar. Then he is on his ship removing skin from his most recent killed prey, he smirks at it since it's his 50th kill. But, then he hears a distress beacon and he looks and places the skull down and heads to the control room of this ship...............
(Y/N): "This sound is not good."
................he sits in the chair and he sees the screen showing and he growls and looks as it goes through space and he sees a planet he recognized as his eyes widen..............
(Y/N): "Remnant. What's the situation?"
...............he types on the keypad and glides his finger down it as he zoomed in on a recent Predator vision that was from and he sees his brother hurt and gunshots are heard as the Hunter looks and (Y/N) rewinds it to see it's Atlas soldiers shooting at him and he growls more and he types the last location of that recording and he types it in the ship as it gets ready to launch.................
(Y/N): "Time to get ready!"
...............he goes to his display of masks, armors, weapons, and items as he prepares. He puts on the mask and it attached to his face and it's like a helmet as it goes around his head and he gets his gear ready and he pairs up with weapons, hunting equipment, healing equipment, and other things as he gets ready to returns to the planet he hasn't been on for years."

To be continued................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Saved and Trained by a Hunter: RWBY x Predator Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now