R O S E ' S  P O V

As soon as the words escaped his lips, the emotional barrier I had painfully built collapsed, my sobs pouring out in response. Dan frowned as the tears poured over his hands and I shook my head gently. Fuck. This isn't how it was meant to go.Things are harder now.

"You can't, Dan. You can't throw your life away for me," I cried, his right thumb gently stroking the tears from my skin. He laughed softly, blissfully unaware of my double meaning, and grabbed my hands.

"Of course I can - wherever you go I'll follow, because I love you," he soothed. Heavier sobs racked my body as he kissed my hands.

Why do you have to be so sweet, Dan? I can't bear breaking your heart, but I need to do so to protect you.

"Please, Dan, stay here. You have work, a home, friends," I begged, trying my best to avoid the cruel path that I was scared of turning to. He looked back up at me with a cheeky smirk and wiped away more tears.

"My job is shitty, my apartment is even more shitty, and I don't even remember the last time I spoke to most of my friends here. I want to live life with you, Rose. I'll respect what you want for both of us, but I don't want you to make your decision lightly. There aren't any consequences or hardships for me choosing a new life with you," he explained, hypnotising me with his love-filled gaze. I sniffled and pushed my hair back.

"My dad had a heart attack, that's why I'm going back. I'm going to be so busy and distracted, Dan. I can't place that burden on you." I prayed that my lie would change his mind and persuade him to drop it.

"And I can't let you face that burden by yourself," he whispered. I closed my eyes and sighed, well aware that I was getting closer to the edge and would need to turn to alternative methods soon.

"Please, Dan," I said once more. I opened my eyes, and much like Kelly earlier today, there was a look in his eyes that looked like he knew there was something about the situation he didn't know.

"What can I do for you then? I don't want to feel like I did nothing for you," he asked. I paused, reflecting on our relationship. Dan had been nothing but amazing to me, both in friendship and dating. Our romance had blossomed into a gorgeous, bright flower and there wasn't a single thing missing from it. Except for maybe one, single thing. It had never been a problem for us, but considering the current climate, I decided it was time.

"Let's make love," I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He furrowed his brow in concern.

"Are you sure you're ready? I don't want your current emotions to influence your decision," he carefully questioned. I nodded and met his stare once more.

"I think I've been ready for a while now but I just wasn't sure when it was the right time. I think now is that time, Dan." Feeling secure in my answer, Dan placed his lips against mine.

As we kissed passionately, Dan swept me into a bridal carry and stood up cautiously. The fire and intensity of our kissing continued as we made our way into my bedroom. Dan laid me onto my bed and moved his lips to my neck as he kicked off his shoes and socks. I moaned softly as he worked on a hickey and bunched his shirt with my fists. Dan's hands rested on my hips as he moved from one spot of skin to another. Dan stopped for a moment and sat up, effortlessly pulling his shirt off. Gingerly, he unbuttoned my shirt, his fingertips ghosting my skin as I was uncovered centimetre by centimetre. He tossed my shirt to the side and for the first time in our encounter, he looked nervous.

We had yet to touch each other like this, and it didn't help that I was a virgin. With the adrenaline coursing through my veins like rapid water, I placed my left hand on his bum and squeezed, pulling him closer to me and pressing my lips against his neck. He giggled lightly and placed his lips on my collarbones. After a few more minutes of foreplay, Dan shimmed himself out of his jeans and he helped me out of mine. I held Dan in my embrace, wrapping my legs around his waist, as he locked his fingers within my hair and kissed the exposed skin of my breasts. As Dan daintily slipped one my bra straps off my shoulder, a chill ran down my spine.

'You never learn, do you, Rose? And you were doing so well...' Josh snarled mockingly, anger evident in his voice. I opened my eyes and looked over Dan's shoulder, seeing Josh standing at the foot of my bed, fuming. Dan moaned quietly as Josh moved around the bed and towards us. 'I have let so much slide, Rose, but this is where I draw the line,' he grunted, now next to us. Suddenly, Dan flew up and away from me and was hoisted against the wall by only Josh's mental command. I scrambled against my headboard in fear as Josh smirked with pride and Dan looked around, bewildered.

"Who- Josh? I thought you were a hallucination..." I was slightly amazed by Dan's immediate deduction, but at the same time terrified as to where this was going. Josh teasingly gave a slow clap and shifted his gaze between the both of us.

'Well, Dan, it seems you're not as dumb as I perceived you to be. Now, who would you like to hear the truth from - yours truly, or your sly girlfriend?' I trembled in dread, tears running down my cheeks once more. 'It seems Rose is a bit too distraught right now to inform you, so I guess I'll be the one-'

"You gave me a week, Josh," I interrupted, fury cloaked in pain covering my voice. Josh snapped towards me and raised his finger, pointing at me.

'I said to cut ties, Rose, not fucking spite me. I've had enough of these stupid games you play with me, and the way you abuse the privileges I give you,' he angrily spat.

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" Dan croaked. Josh turned back to him and brought back his grin.

'Well, as you figured, I'm not a hallucination - I'm a demon. And as you are aware of, I'm quite infatuated with Rose, but there is a lack of mutualism here. Long story short, her and a former acquaintance of mine tried to get rid of me, but alas a flaw in their plan, thanks to Rose, rendered it ineffective. So, as I went to kill Tim, our selfless Rose offered to do anything in return for sparing his life. Taking the opportunity, I gave her one week to cut ties and then I would come for her, forever mine. She had two days left, but when you two decided to go at it like rabbits, I knew that I needed to interfere with our terms,' he bitterly explained. Dan's face fell as things became clear. I sobbed softly and backed off the headboard, stepping onto the floor.

"I'm so sorry, Dan. I wanted to make this easy for you..." I mewed, the guilt wracking my body.

"I forgive you, love." Josh's eyes grew black as he pulled out his switchblade, excitement in his face. I threw myself in front of Dan, arms spread out.

"Please, Josh. I'll do whatever you want, just don't kill him. I was selfish, I admit that. Don't punish him for my actions. I'm begging you," I pleaded as Josh stepped closer towards us.

'Can't make the same deal twice, sweetheart.' Josh lifted his hand and threw against the end of the bed. Dan was tossed from to wall to his knees, letting out a groan from the impact. 'I did warn Rose you know. I told her I would have to kill you if she kept disobeying me for you, so really, this is all her fault. Isn't that a shame? I could tell you really loved her,' he mused, observing his switchblade as he played with it carelessly between his fingers. He reached Dan and grabbed him viciously by his hair, thrusting his head upwards.

'As I said, you really loved her,' he continued, letting go of Dan's hair. 'But you'll never love her as much as I do.' Josh slashed Dan's neck in one quick motion, his blood splattering across Josh's face. 

Sleep Paralysis - Josh Franchesci, You Me At Six AU (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora