Chapter Two

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     Jesse's fingers were gentle as they knead into his scalp green dye sure to come out smooth and clean with the added sensation of hot water rushing through. He watched followed by a contented sigh as all the dye collected around his feet and slowly drained into the holes beneath him; a fresh start. It was time for a new color, though it had seemed the larger male was enjoying his boyfriend's non-tainted version of sleek black strands, his nose buried in what was now clean and smelled of some sort of fruit. According to the bottle, "Wild Berry". Genji's hair was perfect as is, but Jesse had no quarrel with the color changing as long as the other understood its natural perfection.

     "Yer hair smells so good," Jesse had hummed as the younger stepped over the ledge of the tub and wrapped a towel around his head to dry. "...are ya gonna dye it again?"

     Genji turned around on him and placed two hands gently against his chest. He let his head fall against the broad shoulder provided; always there for him. Shouldn't he feel wanted; to be needed by someone. "Do you think I should?" he replied with bold arms around Jesse's back; confident because someone loves him. Someone thinks he is important and perfect. He dragged gentle nails down and released a sigh of content.

     Jesse kissed the top of his head and lead him out the bathroom door with a gentle hold to the other's waist, towards the bed. "I think yer hair looks nice like this," was his only response, and he relished in how Genji lifted his head to press against his neck. He landed a soft kiss on the smaller cheek and took advantage; he let the scent of citrus fill his nostrils and mind, let it take him by surprise and grant him a warmth he had never grown used to. Neither of them had, that's why they had each other.

     "So, it's been decided. I will not dye my perfect hair-- for you." Those last words were louder in Jesse's ear than the other. His opinion had an impact on Genji. An impact large enough to change his mind or make a decision. For a moment, Jesse wondered if he should have let Genji decide. It was his choice, afterall, and either way he'd love him. Genji's hair did not affect his love in the slightest.

     Jesse chuckled, short but hearty and pulled the other under the covers with him. He allowed Genji's small head to fall against his sturdy chest. "Everythin' about ya is perfect, honey bun, not jus' yer hair."

     Genji chuckled and gave Jesse's cheek a gentle pat with soft eyes. It seemed Jess had said the right thing. His words seemed to have crossed Genji's mind. "Goodnight, Macaroni," he let his eyes slip shut, cheek comfortably pressed against Jesse's right pec. Jesse felt as little hands curled over his stomach and pressed his nose in the freshly washed hair, one hand holding his arm, the other neatly placed against his waist.

     "Sweet dreams, darlin'." These moments made Jesse happiest; when Genji was pressed against him and knew that there is no harm in the world that could tear them apart. Even if their relationship would not last outside of Genji's finishing years, Jesse and him both felt comfortable and safe in each other's arms. Genji's breath against his chest proved the life so fragile; the life the other so desperately wished to end, but bravely continued to fight because he knew there was someone on this earth that would miss him. Jesse could feel his nightmares and pulled him closer when needed so Genji could feel he was still there and would never leave.


Author's Note : Thank you for reading yet another chapter! I know I said once a week, and I will stick to it, but I decided to post one more this week because the last one was so short. I thought I could give you all something to read. 

Stay tuned for more!

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