Just A Sad Tale

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Aleena liked to pay people back. She didnt want to owe anyone anything so to say. She was an ice mage, and her girlfriend, Margo was a fire mage. So when Margo let Aleena keep the ac on all year just so she would be comfortable, Aleena knew she owed Margo big time.

Theyre on a mission in the arctic, since the army used them to wipe out their enemies, when it happens. Margo is to caught up in sending a wave of flames to burn a group if sharpshooters to notice the glint of a sniper from the trees. It was an obvious choice, really. Aleena rushes forward and shoves her to the ground,


Margo yells, looking up at Aleena. Shes cut off when she sees the red begin to stain the stomach of Aleenas camo shirt. Margo catches her as she collapses to the ground. Margo looks over to where the sniper was located and sends out a ray of fire, burning the tree to a crisp.


Margo says softly, frantically pulling Aleena closer,

"Hey, hey hey, keep your eyes open!"

She repeats when Aleenas blue orbs droop.

"That was,"

Aleena say, taking a deep breath,

"For letting me run the ac all winter, just so I could be comfortable."

Margo tucks a loose strand of Aleenas blonde hair behind her ear.

"Of course, baby, I want you to be happy,"

Aleena laughs, but she doesn't like the way it makes her stomach clench in pain, so she stops.

"Dont worry, a plane is coming, your gonna be okay."

Aleena smiles, her teeth already stained red with blood,

"Quit... Lying. We know whats... Gonna happen."

Aleena says slowly, trying to avoid the searing pain in her stomach. Aleenas eyes start to water from the excruciating pain that blooms in her abdomen and flows through her entire body. Before the tears can leave her blue orbs, a drop lands on her cheek, and when she looks up, Margos brown eyes are dripping with the salty liquid. Aleena reaches up and strokes Margos cheek softly. Margo grabs her hand and kisses it tenderly, forcing a small smile. Aleenas mouth turns upward,

"I would kiss you right now, but I dont think youd like the taste of metal."

Margos tears seem to flow faster,

"This isnt supposed to happen, you... You arnt supposed to be..."

She pauses, not wanting to finish the sentence,


Aleena says, fishing the words from Margos mouth. Margo bites her lip and nods.


Aleena says,

"Don't be upset. I'm not dying, I'm just...going away"

"Please dont leave me"

Margo says, her voice barely above a whisper. Aleena turns to the side and spits out a glob of red. Margo holds Aleena closer, and Aleena wishes she could cherish this moment like she cherished all others, but her arms and legs have gone numb and she starts to shiver. Her powers had began failing her and she finally felt cold. Margo starts to raise her body temperature to warm up Aleena. Aleena looks up, and even though she was to weak to smile, Margo could see the thanks in her eyes, so she doesnt mind.

"You cant leave me, it'll hurt to much..."

"What do you want me to say to make you feel better?"

"That you love me."

"I Love You... Margo."

She says, her voice airy, and eyes gazing up at the sky.

"That... That your sorry, for always... trying to save everyone."

"I'm sorry... Margo"

Aleena looks into Margos brown eyes, before gazing up at the sky, and her head lolls to the side.


Margo says, pulling her closer,

"No, no, no, no, no."

More tears drip onto Aleenas pale cheek,

"You can't leave me. I need you. I NEED you."

Margo shakes Aleena, but she remains limp.


Margo whispers. Aleena doesn't reply, and Margo tries searching her face for any signs of the Aleena she knew and loved. Aleenas eyes are glazed over and her mouth is open slightly, her teeth stained with blood. Her blood. Margo leans down and kisses Aleenas cheek, which had already began to grow cold.

Woah talk about depressing, not all of my stories are like this. Im just not in a good mood.

685 words.

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