Me? Writing Something Other Than Poetry???

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"I'm sorry."

For some reason, those words ignite a flame within Ivory's heart. She stares up and Paulie,

"Sorry? You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry?"

Paulie looks around nervously, fiddling with his thumbs. He's always been a nervous boy. Sweaty palms and darting eyes, that's what he was known for. She didn't know he was known for breaking girls hearts. He was so kind, so gentle. His heart was so big, to big, for his small, skinny form, and that's what she loved. It was made of gold, and she thought it could melt her hard exterior. It did, and it didn't take long.

They met in the summer of '69. Her sundress was flowing carelessly in the wind as she walks down the beach, she pauses, and turns to the ocean as it's waves grew taller. It would start to rain soon, so she had to go. When her blonde hair is curled so perfectly and her lips painted a cherry red, she didn't want to ruin her look, even if it meant staying cooped up inside and reading a book. Ivory pulls her sunhat tighter on her head and starts walking towards her grandparents beach house. Just as her house is in sight, a slight tap on her shoulder makes her shoot upward. She turns around, her colored eyebrows furrowing. It was a short, skinny boy. She thinks he was in her english class last year. Paul? Was that his name. Paul takes off his hat and holds it to his chest,

"Hello Ivory, you look lovely today."

Ivory didn't mind that much that she had to tilt her head down to see him, she smiles and pats his shoulder,

"Thank you Paul."

"Oh, uh, its actually Paulie."

"Sorry, thank you Paulie."

He smiles, and she likes how straight and white his teeth are,

"Well I was actually wondering, if you wanted to join me and a couple of friends down here later tonight. There's gonna be other girls, but we're bringing some beer, and we have cigarettes."

Ivory's eyebrows raise. Beer? She had never had beer before. Papa said its an acquired taste, and eventually she'd like it. Her cherry red lips curl upward,

"I'd love to Paulie."

His eyes widen and his his eyebrows shoot upward,

"Really? I didn't think you'd say yes."

"Why wouldn't I?"

She says with a giggle,

"Well, you're so pretty, you're way out of my league, and at school you were always so quiet, just writing in that notebook, so I thought you were mean."

Ivory's smile faltered, and she can feel a blush creeping up her neck,

"Thank you Paulie, why don't you come get me at 8?"

She points to the beach house,

"That's where I'll be."

He nods and scurries off, taking one last fleeting glance towards her.

After that night, they were inseparable, they talked every day, and she even thought he was starting to come out of his shell. He grew a couple inches over the summer, now even though he wasn't taller than her, he certainly wasn't shorter, she could almost lean her head on his chest while they danced. He never got bulkier, but he wasn't as skinny either, he'd really started to grow into himself, and he was handsome. So handsome, that other girls would whisper to her how jealous they were that she got him. But it was never more than that. Until next summer came around.

She's walking down the shoreline, as she always is during the summer. Shes to lost in thought when she bumps into a hard chest. She looks up, and she swears she can feel her heart break in two. Its Paulie, his hands are locked with a girl. Her name was Cheryl, at least she thinks. She's pretty and short, with curly red hair and pale skin. The complete opposite of her. She was popular and preppy, a cheerleader. She was a loner, and he must not like sitting at the end table during lunch. Cheryl smiles nervously,

"Paulie, babe, I'm gonna go get us a couple of cokes, do you want to handle this?"

He cringes and nods. She skips off and Ivory closes her mouth,

"I'm sorry."

For some reason, those words ignite a flame within Ivory's heart. She stares up and Paulie,

"Sorry? You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry?"

He looks away, and fiddles with his thumbs. His nervous side seems to have come back,

"Was I not enough?"

Paulie opens his mouth and closes it again.

"Forget it,"

She mutters, turning around storming off. The tears flow freely down her cheeks, and the sky seems to cry with her, as droplets of water land on her tan shoulder.

761 words.

Decided to write something str8.

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