Villain, Or Hero?

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A crack of lightning and the sound of thunder shakes the villain from their thoughts. The villain cant hold it in any longer, they collapse to the floor, shaking, trembling, and sobbing. 

"Stop! I Beg you, just stop! Kill me! Get over here and kill me! Stop sending children!"

The villains voice falls to barely above a whisper,


There's another crack of lightning, and the villain shakes their head furiously, gripping their long hair and tugging at it,

"Please! Make it stop!"

The maids backed away from their master. They had never witnessed such a breakdown. The villain continues to cry, hugging themselves in a half-assed attempt for comfort. The villain longed for death, any attempt to rid them of this hell. Sure they weren't killing the children them self, but they sent them to their death as if it were nothing. The villain can remember each child. Each face, each expression. Its not like they didnt try to let them kill them. But they were a god, and only a god could kill another god. The 12 year old girl was probably the closest to a god they'd ever encounter. 

Theres a sound of a throat clearing behind them that shakes the villain from their thoughts. They get up on shaky legs, straighten their coat, and turn around, expecting to see a maid. Except, its a woman, a slender, beautiful woman. This, was Aphrodite. The villain starts to sniffle, and collapses by her feet,

"Are you here to kill me? If you are, do it quick."

"Oh, my sweet, I am not here to kill you."

The villain clenches their jaw,

"So your here to gloat?"

Aphrodite's fingers graze the villains chin, making them look up,

"The gods, they have not been kind to you, no?"

The villain tears their gaze away for a moment.

"You suffered because of them, correct?"

The villain gulps and nods slowly. Aphrodite leans down, and places a tender kiss on the villains head

"I will not allow them to make you suffer any longer, you have learned your lesson. Please, grab my hand, rise up."

The villain grabs Aphrodite's soft hand, in theirs. They seem to mold together perfectly, the villains small hand being engulfed by Aphrodite's. Aphrodite pulls The villain to their feet, and brings kisses their hand. It spreads a warmth through them.

"What is your name, my sweet?"

"My name?"

The villain croaks,

"Its... its Ivory."

"My dearest Ivory, I have only just witnessed what they have done. If I had been to punish you for such a simple crime, I would have had you done charity work. Not being forced to send children to their deaths,

"The boy,"

Ivory says,

"Is the boy okay?"

"Yes, my dearest, he is safe."

"Thank you."

Ivory whispers, their golden locks falling into their face. Aphrodite turns around, and tucks the strand behind their ear. Aphrodite cups Ivory's cheek.

"My dearest Ivory, your beauty, it calls to me. It begs for my help. Because you are broken, am I correct?"

Ivory leans into Aphrodite's hand, and closes their eyes, eyelashes fluttering. Aphrodite smiles sweetly, pulling them close.

"The gods will not be pleased with this, but I do not care. But I must go, my greatest gift."

"How will I know you will come back?"

Ivory says. Aphrodite kisses Ivory's soft, pale cheek,

"Because you have a leash on my heart, and before we have seen each other, it was weak. Made of thread. But now, it is made of the strongest rope, and every moment apart, it is like you are pulling it, closer to you, until i am unable to resit."



Aphrodite replies, her brown eyes sparking,

"When will you come back?"

"Soon, my sweetest. Sooner than you think." 

Thunder roars in the distance. Aphrodite steps back. Lightning strikes her body, and she is gone. The villain turns around, and whisks herself to her room. She collapses in her bed and falls into a deep slumber.

Part 3 my dudes?

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