A Happy Ending To A Sad Tale

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Its been a full year since Aleenas death, and even though Margo knew Aleena would want her to move on, she just cant. Aleena made the apartment feel like home and now that she was gone, even though she had a place to sleep, she didnt have a home.

With Margo's mutant abilities, she was already viewed as intimidating. Biceps that bulge out from her mutant like strength- and black hands  that were permanently charred from fire, she wasn't exactly viewed as 'safe.' However, with the new mix of bags under her eyes and a deep burning anger for life itself, it seemed to heighten the intimidation.

Margo really was kind, she was, she swore it. Sure her heart wasn't made of gold, but it wasn't made of stone either. But when the love of her life died in her arms, it didn't exactly make her think kindness was the way to go. She wanted revenge. And that's what she was going to get.

As she's storming the military base, gun in hand, her only thought is of Aleena as she puts a bullet between the eyes of a soldier. This was their fault. If they would not have had Margo and Aleena work for them, everything would be fine. She storms through the rest of the men until she gets to the hallway, filled with soldiers, fists up and ready. She lunges for the first man, and throws him against the metal door. The sickening crack makes her smile. She crouches down, and sends a ray of fire throughout the whole hallway, and only a few of the men manage to get out. She continues trudging on. She was getting close to him. And she was going to make his death as painful as she possibly could. Shes to busy being lost in thought to hear the bullet hit the ground next to her foot, and she quickly crouches behind a stack of boxes. A soldier is waiting. she pulls him up and starts side-stepping to the door. A bullet pierces her back. If it had been just an inch to the left, it wouldn't have hit her spine. She collapses to the ground with a loud thump, and she groans. Her legs felt numb, and she knew why. The bullet pierced her spine, and she would no longer be able to move her legs. When she takes in a deep breath, her chest tightens, and her eyes begin to water. Despite her countless wishes of death, now that it was happening, she was so scared. Is this how Aleena felt? She looks down at the hole that exited through her liver, and sighs. Its deathly quiet, the soldiers seemed to scared to go near her. She coughs loudly. A wet cough, but instead of spit, its blood. She looks up at the ceiling, and she can feel a trickle of blood leave her lips. She feels a chill run down about half of her spine.


Margo whispers. There's so response, but her hand feels cold, like someone was holding it.

"I'm sorry Aleena, that I couldn't avenge you. That I... failed you."

Her voice was airy and light, and she looks to her left, half expecting to see Aleena's small form, but she doesn't. Her hand lifts up on its own, and she swears she can feel the shape of Aleenas lips gently kissing her hand. She smiles.

"I'm glad your here... the last thing I wanted was to die alone."

I'll always be here

Aleenas voice echoes in her head. She can feel Aleenas ghostly hand stroke her curly hair, and she tries to pull herself closer where Aleena could be, but the moment she pushes herself up. She collapses back down.

"I'm scared, Aleena."

Margo says, knowing if she raises her voice anything above a whisper, she'll start to cry.

Don't be, I'm waiting for you

Aleenas soft voice whispers. Margo takes in another deep breath, and she cries out from the pain that pierces her chest. She looks up, and can see the whole platoon surrounding her,

"Should we take her to the infirmary?"

One says, the general, the one she had been trying to find, grabs her arm, and pulls her up. She pulls it out of his hand,

"Just... let this... happen... okay?"

She says. The general nods slowly.

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend, I really am."

Margo couldn't hold the tears back any longer, and they flow freely down her cheeks. She sighs and her eyes close, drifting away between consciousness and unconsciousness. She hears the click of a gun and everything goes dark.

When she opens her eyes, all she sees is white. White walls, white floor, and a white door. She walks forward and throws it open. On the other side, Aleena stands in the center of the room. It was the living room of their apartment. When she looks behind her, all she sees is a bookcase. Aleena grins widely and throws herself into Margo's arms, pulling her in for a tender kiss.

"I've been waiting to do that for a whole year."

They both say at the same time. Margo kisses her again and sets you down,

"I love you."

is all she can say. Aleena smiles and hugs her, gripping her as tight as she could, to scared to lose her again. This was it, this was heaven.

884 words.

@lexoffuck wanted a happy ending. Doing this for you, boo.

Comment asdfg if you saw this, i keep trying to go back and look and it doesnt post the whole thing

Genes Short Stories/ VentsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora