Chapter 1

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"Ahhhh!!!!!" I screamed in mock horror at my friend's dark blue khakis. Apparently, not everyone knew it was a fake scream as some people's heads turned towards me, I looked away, ignoring them, fighting back the snarl that rose like bile in my throat.

My friend frowned, "what? That bad?"

I gulped down my grimace. "Noooo.... Not that bad..."

My friend grimaced. "You're right. I'm changing back." She walked back into the women's changing room and came out a minute later back in her faded dark blue jeans, the khakis slung over her shoulder. As we walked to put the khakis back I asked her, "why would you get khakis?"

She shrugged. "Because they look a little like jeans, and are soft."

I rolled my eyes, "weird."

She returned the khakis back to the shelf where she had found them and we walked out on the main entrance and back to her dark blue convertible. She slid into the drivers seat as I opened the passenger door and climbed in.

"I don't understand why you don't take your boyfriend's car, or at least borrow some of his money to get a nice car of your own." She said to me as she started the engine.

I shrugged, flipping my dark, almost black hair, with subtle hints of light gray in it over my shoulder. "Because he doesn't like me mentioning me borrowing his money."

She looked at me from the corner of her eye, "so, what's the point of being with him if you can't benefit from it."

I looked at her, or rather, glared. "Johanna, I'm not going to manipulate guys just to benefit myself, I'm better than that. Besides, he likes me, I'm not exactly sure about him, but," I shrugged again, and then smirked at her. "At least I can say that I have a boyfriend."

She stuck her tongue out and glared at me, I felt the car start to swerve from her lack of attention the the road. I reached out quickly and took hold of the wheel, steering the car gently back to its course.

Johanna glared at me again before looking back to the road.

"So, how's things at home?" I tensed, immediately understanding the double meaning of her words.

"Fine." I said curtly, not wanting to give out to much information.

She rolled her eyes. "You know, I'll keep your secret, you don't have to continue to hide it from me."

I shot a look at her, "that may be, but I have to hide it from others."

She starred at me. "What others?"

I rolled my dark emerald green eyes, "the trappers."

She stared intently at the road, nodding as if she understood, but I knew she didn't. I snorted quietly and turned away, staring out the open window, letting my hair fly out behind me.

"Well, tell me if you need me, I am always here for you. Oohh!!! Maybe I can be an alpha!?"

I stared at her. "You... want to be the... Luna? You can't! You know that, you're human."

"Yes , but what if I was mated...?" She hinted.

I rolled my eyes again. "You know we can't control who we mate with. Besides, I don't think my older brother is even interested in finding his mate." I sighed quietly and added after a minute, "even though he needs one if he wants to become an alpha."

"Anyway, what did you mean... luna?"

I sighed. "The luna of the pack is what you humans would call the alpha female. The Luna is like the 'Queen' of the pack, while he alpha is the 'King', the Luna holds the most power in the pack, second only to the alpha."

"Hmm... Anyway, do you think...?"

"No. You are human." I said without hesitation as soon as I realized what she meant.

She didn't seem to hear me. "What if I was bitten? Would, I turn into one of you?"

I sighed again, exasperated. "That's a myth humans made to explain why there are so many of my kind."

"What about silver-?"

"Myth. Humans made that up so they can think they can protect their families."

She huffed. "Well." I knew her tone meant the end of the conversation.

I looked back out the window.

"We're here." She sang, breaking the silence. I looked at her, questioning.

She sighed at me. "Silly, did you forget we are eating here?" She pointed to a sign that read 'Wolfe Breakfast.' I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, BREAKFAST. It's noon."

She gave me one of those 'must I really explain it?' looks. "They serve breakfast all day, everyday."

"Hmm." I nodded and walked beside her into the restaurant.

Once seated, our waiter came out to us. "Hello, I'm Johnathan and I'll be your waiter today, would you like anything to drink?" Johnathan had dark brown hair and caramel eyes, I somehow felt like I should recognize him, but I didn't know anywhere that I had met him before.

"Uh... I think we are ready to order now." Johanna said to him after a quick look at the menu. "Kat?"

I glanced at the menu, already knowing what I would like. The waiter looked at me expectantly.

"Yes, I'll have the m&m pancake special and an apple juice please." The waiter nodded and wrote down my order, he then looked at Johanna.

"And I'll have the French toast and a coke please." He nodded and scribbled on his notepad, when he was done we handed him our menus and he walked away.

We started an animated conversation until our food came. I immediately started stuffing my face with the m&m pancakes after I had drowned them in syrup, my friend looked at me, trying to hide her obvious disgust.

I rolled my eyes, "spit it out."


I laughed. "I'm hungry, can you blame me?"

She laughed with me. "You're right, you're only human."

"Actually, I think the human is sitting right in front of me."

"Yeah.... What a pity."


A/N: hey guys, just wanted to say hello and remember that your feedback is appreciated, thanks. :)


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