Chapter 3

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I woke up on a cot, I looked around, I recognized that I was in the nurses office. I heard voices and listened closer, hearing two male voices. I hopped off the cot and silently walked around the corner to see Travis and a boy named Connor arguing at the front desk. Travis's voice was deep, yet had a majestic ring to it, while Connor's voice was deep too, but it cracked slightly as his voice climbed pitches.

"What the hell?! Why would you aim the ball at her? And hitting her that hard too?! Huh?!" I could tell that Travis was trying to keep his cool, barely containing his anger.

Connor argued back, not as fierce, but just as angry. "I didn't know she wouldn't get knocked out by it! I thought she was going to get it!"

"That may be, but it wasn't like you weren't hoping for the ball to not hit her!" Travis yelled at him.

Connor got a slightly guilty look in his eyes, but he hid it well, when he spoke again, his voice had a defensive tone to it. "Yeah, the ball hit her! But she's clearly fine!"

This seemed to make Travis angrier, I saw the his body start to shake, ready to shift. I knew that I had to step in before it could get worse, but something stopped me, maybe it was because I wanted to know who Travis really was and why I had recognized his scent from somewhere, or maybe it was because I wanted him to rip Connor's throat out.

Connor opened his mouth to speak, but something in Travis's expression must have stopped him, fear dawned in his eyes. Something in my mind clicked, no wonder I had recognized this boy, Connor, a month ago he had asked me out, clearly knowing I had a boyfriend, or, was close to having a boyfriend as James and I still hadn't confessed our feelings yet. Connor had asked me out, but I rejected him, firmly telling him that I couldn't and that I had plans. He was persistent however, and had decided to follow me and catch me off guard. He found me as I was entering the parking lot to find my car and asked me out again, telling me that I wasn't even dating anyone and that I clearly wasn't busy. I got angry and glared at him, telling him no in the coldest voice I could muster. My expression must've frightened him at the time because he had shrunken away from my gaze.

His fear suddenly had turned into anger, and he had started yelling at me. I had gotten into my dark blue Subaru and had driven away, ignoring his yelling. He was clearly still bitter about that experience, probably aiming the ball at me on purpose, hoping it would hurt me physically like it had hurt him emotionally.

"It could have given her a concussion! Damnit!" Travis yelled at him.

Connor yelled back at Travis, "Yeah? So what?! Why do you f*cking care?!"

Travis opened his mouth but whatever he was going to say was cut off when his body started to shake much harder than it had before, I heard the snarls and growls rolling from his throat. I decided to step in quickly throwing myself against Travis, successfully knocking him a few feet back, away from Connor.

"Travis." I warned, my voice low. "Watch yourself." His eyes focused on me, softening as they met mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry." He whispered low in my ear.

I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his waist, breathing in his scent that made my nose wrinkle, but this time, not in disgust, or at least, mostly not in disgust. He pressed me tighter against him, seeming to calm at my touch. I pulled away from him, looking into his eyes.

"Are you OK?"

He smiled softly at me, "better now." I rolled my eyes at his cliche line. I walked away from him, out to the parking lot. The school had dismissed me, seeming to notice that I had hit my head hard. Travis was probably right though, I probably had a concussion, even though I would never admit it, I didn't know for sure though, as the nurse hadn't checked for a concussion when I woke up. She was probably scared off by Travis's and Connor's yelling, but mostly by Travis's.

Travis walked beside me, easily keeping pace with me. I looked at him, "what are you doing?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Taking you home, obviously." I tensed.

"I'd rather you not, I don't want my dad to see me in a car with a boy and then start freaking out when he realizes I was in a car with a boy and I hit my head."

He smirked at me, "You don't have an option." He was about to pick me up by my waist and I was bracing myself to run away when he stopped dead in his tracks, a look of pure fury crossing his face.

"What's up with that b*tch? Why is he so focused on her?"

"I know, she's a total b*tch. I hate her guts." I looked over Travis's shoulder to  see two girls that were gossiping just a few cars down. They didn't seem to notice me, staring intently at Travis, not noticing his rigid pose. He started to shake.

I grabbed his hands, using some of my werewolf strength to keep him there. "Travis..." I warned him.

He didn't seem to hear me, he had started to shake harder. Panic built inside of. He was going to shift in front of all these witnesses. I ran behind him and pushed at him, he didn't budge, I pushed harder.

"Travis! You need to get out of here." He whirled around to look at me, his eyes registering the panic written on my face. He crushed me to his chest for about two seconds before he turned and bolted into the trees. I ran after him, my werewolf strength boosting my speed. I caught up to him just in time to see him shift into an abnormally large red-orange wolf with blue eyes,  before he disappeared into the trees.


A/N: another chapter done, hoped you liked it, remember to comment and vote. See you all next week. Bye. ;)


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