Chapter 7

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It had been two weeks since I left home, I was grubby, tired, hungry, and most of all, thirsty. After I had left, I had broke off all connections, letting my wolf instincts take over, becoming one with the wolf.  I was currently laying in the shade of a great pine, resting my legs before I had to hunt to calm my raging stomach. I heard movement in the undergrowth, my eyes snapped open, my ears pricking. I raised my head and jumped to my feet, instantly adopting a defensive position and baring my teeth, snarls erupted from my throat. I heard the rustling in the undergrowth cease, and then the something started to slowly advance forward, growling. A large red-orange wolf padded out from the undergrowth, in a position similar to mine, the wolf growled menacingly before the growling cut off and surprise flashed in it's blue before returning back to a hostile expression once again. I looked at the wolf in confusion, the wolf was large and had blue eyes, wouldn't it be Travis? But why would Travis growl at me? I looked at the wolf closer and saw that these weren't the blue eyes I knew, they were hostile, cold, emotionless, I remembered that Madison, Travis's sister, had these eyes. My expression grew hostile once again, why was she here? Where was Travis? Madison growled again and stalked closer, she rushed me, aiming to slash her claws across my shoulder. I dodged, dancing away from her, I snarled and jumped back as she rushed me again. From the age of 13 up until my current age of 18, I had trained with my father's generals in all types of martial arts, they would train me until I sometimes broke a bone before finally quitting, my father would be furious, but understanding, so they would get off with a warning before resuming my training after I had healed. The generals had also  trained me in the way of the wolf, and had trained me in dodging attacks and different offense and defense moves to protect myself.

Suddenly Madison froze, her expression turning to confusion, then shock, then back to confusion. She growled at me but straightened up, I felt a consciousness try to reach my mind, I opened my mind and heard a hostile voice that I recognized as Madison's.

We are taking you into custody. She sad sourly, she had clearly been hoping she could rip me into shreds.

I growled at her, mentally talking to her. What?! Why?!

She growled in annoyance, because you are currently trespassing on our land. I looked around me and sniffed the air, I noticed that a foreign smell was on everything, my fur bristled at the smell, I must not have noticed the smell when I had crossed the border line.

And what if i don't want go? I growled at her, defiant.

She growled back, taking a threatening step forward, her muzzle wrinkled, baring her teeth. Then we will take you by force. She stepped towards me again, but this time, the undergrowth around her rustled and two more large red-orange wolves padded from the shadows, teeth bared, snarling. I snarled back, I refused to be held hostage. Madison nodded to them, breaking our mind link, I looked at the three of them, planning my escape. They lunged at me, I dodged two of them but Madison landed on me, ripping at my exposed underbelly, I cried out in pain and fury, I pushed her off of me and rolled to my feet, crouching low to the ground and rushed at her legs, pretending to aim to bite her legs and when she turned to dart away from me, I lunged at bit down hard on her tail, pulling her back as she whimpered. I let go of her tail when I felt claws slash down my side, I turned to my attacker and slashed at him but he had danced out of my reach. I felt more claws scratching my sides and teeth biting my legs, I knew I had lost the fight, so I turned and ran, but before I had gotten a few yards away I ran into another red-orange wolf, this one slightly larger than the others. I looked up at the snarling wolf, but the wolf stopped snarling at me when it saw me, the wolf's eyes ran over my bloody body and finally met my green eyes with its blue. My eyes had blood in them from the cut on my left temple, so I could not see clearly who the wolf was, but I saw the wolf pacing and snarling, thrown into a rage, but the rage didn't seem to be directed at me, something else. Suddenly another, familiar snarl sounded from behind me, I turned in time to see Madison jump on me, her front paws batting at my head until my red vision turned to black.


Hey guys!!! Another chapter done, I wanted to make it longer, but I decided to split it into two, the next one will hopefully be longer. Anyway, hope you liked the chapter, remember to comment and vote. See you all next update. Bye :)


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