Prologue- False Start

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    You ever thought to yourself: why me? However, not even a moment later someone will scoff and tell you that someone always has it worse. That their struggle is so much more detrimental. You'll smile in response, hoping not to continue the conversation further. The truth is, you know your demons are demons nonetheless. That the life of privilege that others assumed you have is nothing but a facade. Living in a city you can't afford to stay, not smart enough to ease on by. Oh, are you attractive and personable? Only to your peers. Your greatest assists are your only flaws. You've been engulfed by mediocrity. Others don't see it that way, however. They assume it's just raw talent, ingenious even. But you know, you know the sad truth: to get where you want, or rather, in a position to make progress, you have to walk to the starting line. By the time you get there, no one else will be waiting, but, finally, you made it to the starting point.
   My name is Null. Don't ask me about my past, my aspirations, my goals. You'll get nothing from me. I'm tired of talking about it. I'm tired of looking at a race that I'm not even allowed to participate.

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