Last Call

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I forgot what I even did yesterday. I stayed up really late, running the same damn quest, over and over again. They tell me to come because they enjoy my company, but in actuality, there is no one else willing to stay up so late in my time zone. It doesn't have to be me, it never does. That's why I'm so easily replaced, so disposable. I can't blame them, I feel the same way about myself.
I pull myself out of bed and drag to my computer. I had a document opened up. To be honest, I don't recall if I worked on this last night or just thought about a million reasons as to why I shouldn't have. To my surprise though, I saw that I had a whole three chapters complete. Despite what someone else said, I stuck to the old sequence of events and I really liked what I had down. It was fun reading about characters I can relate to so much.
A thought passed. It was even faster than a lightning bolt: what if I could explain how I felt to other people via my characters? What if I could explain that I don't like heroes or villains, that I dislike the mold?
I begin to furiously pound away at my keyboard. At that moment I realized that I finally reached the starting point. Some may look at me weird, different. A man who is more excited to get to the starting line. Maybe it was a mania but I'll take it today. Just this once.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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