What is Real Anymore

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The world faded to black as I slowly woke up in a bed I did not know what bed it was there was a nightstand that had a note the note read: 'we were talking you sat down on a bench you fell asleep we couldn't wake you up so we brought you to are guest bedroom' I paused "well thats just great" I said to my self almost in a scolding voice I got up and looked around it looked like any other room but it smelt different like a smell that takes me home like a cotton candy smell I got me hungry thinking about it I rubbed my eyes the room had a baby blue and light grey and white theme to it I liked it and I went towards the door in the conner and opened I was faced with a hall way that had the theme of the room a maid was coming up some stairs on one of the sides of the hall way "Your Edd right" the maid said I shook my head yes she gave me a smile and said "follow me please" I followed her I wanted to say okay but I didn't she took me down too stairs and threw a hall way into a kitchen and a dinner table she pulled a seat out gestering me too sit I sat down she helped me scoot in she was nice and I heard footsteps and I tried around to see Tobiah I gave him a wave and a small smile and I saw behind him Tom and Tord they all where changed from being at the church. "Edd do you remember anything from before the church" It sounded not like Andrew or Toms voice it had a accent to it like Norwegian it..it was Tord I was thinking for too long "Edd...?" I looked up to see he had sat down in a chair near me "Oh sorry uh...I still don''t remember anything" I said with a sigh Tord looked like he was trying to see something and for a second I thought I had something on my face "Does anyone else see that..?" said Tord looking at my cheek I gave him a confused look "theres a cross on your cheek Edd" said Tom who was on the other side of me. They got out of there seats and they where looking Tom said "did you put this on?" "No" I said back to him. Tom rubbed my cheek to see if it was paint "it's not coming off..."  Thats when I notice Andrew was gone "g-guys where is Andrew"  Tom looked up in surprise "dad?" Tom looked around  "Maybe he went to get something before we notice" Tord said "How did we not notice that" I said. I stood up and we asked the maid 'Did you see Tobiah leave the room' the maid said "yes He went up the stairs and that is the last I saw" 

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