Do not throw away your shot (idk what to put here)

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~Tom (yay finally :D)~ 

We rushed down the city everyone was staring and I heard "THERE I SEE THEM PAUL" then loud foot steps. I ran like I have never ran before I felt a tug on one of the hands I think Tords I look behind to see one of the men close to Tord and in a fleeing moment of worry I pushed Tord in front of my and gave him a push forward so I put him in my place. I was ran into and feel on to the floor and I heard Edd but everything was blurry and someone was on top of my I think I tripped one of the men and he went to stand and I held his foot he tried to shake me off and I  stood and kicked his feet from under him and as I ran away I screamed "A 16 YEAR OLD JUST DID THAT WOOOOOOOOO" I was very proud and I looked behind my to see they where following me and I knew I couldn't just run home so I took them on a a chase they notice this and stopped following me I rushed home to Edd holding Tord in his hands as Tord was cursing in Norwegian. "Tord, Tom's okay!" Edd said and Tord hurried and lifted his head and looked at me and ran over to me and hugged me "are you okay Tom!" he said I nodded. Tord looked at me I was barely hurt I just had a scratch on my cheek from falling to the ground we rushed inside and it hit me again wait  TOBIAH! 

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