
23 9 0

I think that it is when you realize that,

You somehow can't feel the same amount of sympathy as others.

You can't care enough about other people's problems.

You don't know any words of comfort or praises that are your own unique ones, just the cliche ones that everyone has heard before and is done with it.

The words of trying to comfort a friend, trying to say that you are there for them, you would listen to all their problems, all of those words just spitting out of your mouth sounds fake in your head, sarcastic even.

Saying that you aren't awkard around an ex friend, but it clearly shows that connection is no longer there so when both are left alone, it turns into silence. Your mind doesn't think that you would have a problem at all, but for the words of taking initiative and starting conversations, they don't come out.

You try to be someone emotional.

Someone that cares.

Someone who can make their simple words into a story of comfort.

But it all seems fake in your head.

Because it is fake, this wasn't who you are.

No one can change the fact that you yourself don't feel as much sadness as one should.

You arent sensitive enough.

You don't censor your words but instead talk before you think, not caring how it effects others or how they would view you later on.

And so,

You're just a cold hearted bitch.

Fragments Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora