
16 3 2

Perhaps, this was the wrong path. 

Well, too late now. No changes can be made. 

Unless, something drastic is made. And perhaps, then, it would be the right path. Maybe then, it'll feel like I'm finally enjoying something, that I wouldn't mind being stress over. 

It'll be fun. 

I think. 


It doesn't happen. 

I'm scared, no, I lack courage. Wait, that's the same thing. Afraid of changes, but it has always been that way.

So, I guess, I still have to walk on this path. For the next 3 years. And struggle with things like any other path. Except, the only thing I feel every second of doing it is death. 

But hey, that's a joke. Like always. Keep smiling. Keep down playing it. Time will pass, you will pull through. Live another part. 

You can't abandon what you've done so far, you can't let go of what others have did for you. 

You can't. 

It's all so burdensome.

I say this but

It's all a daze honestly.

I don't get it. Nothing's in my head. Why don't I get it. Why don't I understand. Why can't I understand. Why aren't I productive. Why when I am, there's still nothing there. Why why why why why wh-

This is getting, too cliché.

Hah, I hate this path. No friends here either. 

In fact I think I got quieter. Nah, anti-social is the word. I've past introvert long time ago, now I just hate people. This path made me. Now I'm just blaming it but we all know I blame myself the most. 

Hah, just kidding. Like always. 

Lock down, huh, I shouldn't joke about that. But I can sleep. Just kidding. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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