Chapter 2: Death of a Hunter, Birth of an Outlaw

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 A few minutes after the Exo's took off from the Tower they arrived at the gateway to the Prison of Elders and transmatted down and walked up like they owned the place, Aaron with his new helmet he got from the crucible, and a deep black armor that he had been developing while he had been recovering from his alcoholism. It was a lot more angular than typical hunter armor and was meant for more protection than to be flexible. Cayde, of course, was wearing the same armor and cloak as he always wore with an open hood and his yellow boots. The atmosphere around them was a little cold as they walked with each other to the front entrance to see a familiar looking face. A blue-skinned woman with blue eyes and purple hair with two shoulder pads that were purple and gray with a pin of the Queen's wrath on her chest. She watched the two of them walk up and pulled the knife she had in her scabbard out.

"Petra Venj, thanks for the invite," Cayde said as they stopped in front of her. The Awoken smirked and looked at the other Hunter.

"No problem, welcome back Aaron,"

"Thank you, Petra, what do we got?"

"Up up up," Cayde said before he started. "Petra do that thing," He asked. Petra just rolled her eyes and smiled before turning her wrist over with the knife in her hand. A moment later the blade started to levitate and spin in her hand before it floated up. The Awoken then slammed her hand against the handle to put it back into her scabbard. "Woah, that'll never, not freak me out..." He shivered. "Do it again!"

"Later, anyways, to answer your question Aaron, we are dealing with a riot, one that's been tearing the prison asunder," Petra said grabbing her sidearm. "I'll make a move for the lower levels and supermax, you two try to quell the riot and make sure that nobody else gets out of their cages." She said running off toward the entrance. Cayde turned over to Aaron and pulled out his two hand cannons.

"Let's go to prison!" He shouted before leaping off the bridge into the chaos below. Aaron just rolled his eyes and drew his own handcannon. It was a massive piece, one that was jet black and with a silver shroud all along the barrel and a wooden handle. As far as Aaron knew, it was the only one of its kind. The First Curse was what they called it. He ran forward into the gates of the prison hearing Cayde gleefully counting his kills as shot after shot of his hand cannon fired.

"What do you think is going on?" Aaron consulted Crystal as he ran in seeing a Cabal Legionnaire get slammed against the glass window that was just beyond the front door. The smell of fresh blood, expended plasma cells, and burning flesh assaulted his scent sensors with an intensity he hadn't felt since the Red War. The Exo ran into the area to find that more objects were exploding and fires were starting.

"One helluva riot," She concluded as Aaron popped a shot into the head of an incoming legionnaire. To think of it, there was every kind of enemy that they had fought over the years, Hive, Fallen, Cabal, however, he had yet to see any Vex around. "Perhaps the Nessus Protectorate took them in, and did something with them." Aaron thought as he fired another round from his pistol into the head of a Fallen Dreg from over his shoulder.

"Aaron you reading me?"

"Roger that Cayde, where are you at?"

"I'm headed toward the security deck, try to meet me there, maybe we can get some of these systems back online."

"Sounds like a good plan," Aaron said as he ran through a recently exploded door through the fire to a long winding hallway full of cryo cells. "Petra, how exactly could a riot start if the prisoners here are all locked up in cryo?" Aaron asked as more and more of the walls just started to combust around him. As he advanced through he saw a bridge that was only a few meters ahead. Once he got close he saw three Fallen Captains launched into the chasm and a fifteen-foot tall knight thundered out of the doorway.

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