Day 1: 1st Prompt

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Hello, cadets! Today is day one of training and so I decided to go easy on you. Today you will be writing your first Ereri and/or Riren Fic.

You: Woah, woah, hold up. We just got here. Shouldn't we be taking baby steps?!

It won't be that hard. You're not writing a full length fic. You're going to write a one-shot today and it'll be doable. I believe in you. Just follow the prompt rules and guidelines and you'll excel.

Day 1 Prompt:

Eren Jaeger has been having vivid nightmares since the age of seven that consisted of giant, man-eating creatures that plagued his subconscious. By the age of fifteen, they stopped without any hint, the terrors leaving his thoughts as if he had never dreamt them.

And then the raven arrived.

The dreams got more vivid, much more real. Eren, despite being afraid, clung to the teenager who had been appearing in his dreams as an older man.

"I can't bear these nightmares... but I would die if I were to forget."


Sound doable? I hope so! Before you get started, I want you to follow these guidelines:

- Must be a one-shot
- Must be in Eren's point of view
- Must stick to the prompt, but you are encouraged to add your own twist
- You must tag me in the story
- The one-shot must have a cover
- You must use these tags:

#aot #oneshot #boyxboy #ererifanfic (or Riren if it's your preference, but I'd recommend tagging both since there's no smut, so both would be happy) #rivaere #reincarnation #reincarnationau #leviackerman #erenjaeger #authorchan #erbcday1

Make sure you write a description (with proper capitalization and spelling), have a title, and a cover. I will check every submission and give you pointers that are tailored specifically for you.

Happy writing!

Ereri/Riren Boot CampHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin