Day 5: Ereri/Riren Tropes

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Before we start, I'm going to clarify what a trope is:

a significant or recurrent theme; a motif.

Basically, it's something that in this particular scenario, has either been overdone or borderline overdone. This is a list of Ereri/Riren tropes that I've noticed and explanations behind them. I'm not saying you can't do them, I'm warning you that you'll have to be extra-extra original with the plot and backstories.

Without further ado, I present you...

Ereri/Riren Tropes

• Student x Teacher Romance
• Prince x Servant
• Slave x Master
• Omegaverse
• Incest
• Mermaid x Anything
• Vampire x Human
• Jock x Nerd
• Bad boy x Goody two shoes
• Enemies to Lovers
• I'm Straight, I Swear
• Punk x Pastel
• Organic Cigarettes
• Patient x Healthy
• Tatted up x Timid
• Roommates


Before any of you freak out, let me repeat, using tropes isn't necessarily bad. Why? Because Wattpad's algorithm tends to push things that have worked before, so going with something popular may make it easier to get noticed in the beginning so that you'll have a big enough following to post more original stuff in the future. I myself am not above using tropes:

• Tatted up x Timid = Living Recklessly
• I'm Straight, I Swear = I Don't Believe in Love Songs

"So what's the problem?", you may ask. The problem comes when your description and storyline are subpar. If everything is the exact same, will people really want to read it? I've read so many prince x servant AUs that I don't even keep up with them because they blur together. It's sad. Be memorable. Leave an impact on your readers so that they come back. If they can't remember who even wrote what, why would they follow you? Plot is your best friend. Cliché isn't always what's best. But remember, cliché isn't necessarily bad. Everything must be taken in small doses. Too much cliché is a bad thing. If you use a trope, in your description, make sure it's obvious that your story isn't the same as the on the reader just finished reading. Eren has heterochromia and is bullied for it and Levi finds it beautiful and they fall in love? Been there, done that. I have a heterochromic Eren in my story, Beauty in the Beast, and it's different because 1) it's a fairytale AU, and 2) Eren's bullied for it because heterochromia is the mark of a witch. Putting your own spin on something is always encouraged. Make the story you!

I hope this was helpful and happy writing! Remember, tag me if you've written!

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