{Author's Note: Please Read} I did you guys a disservice

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I failed you guys

I'm not even going to lie.

I failed to give you Stockholm Syndrome on time, and prepared. 

I'm so sorry.

One out of seven stories per day: I failed you. 

I'm sorry. These were the name of the first stories:

LemonBug - The Darker Side of an Artist.

CalebPantsu - Prize of the Hyles Monster

Corzy - The Black Saint

DaMostGamer - The Mobster's Gypsy

Saurtis -  The Commonwealth's Heartless Prince

Now, Why isn't Spideypool or Error one Pinetress up here Well:

1. I do not know if I can do Spideypool in this plus it would be difficult to write this because I love this ship and don't want to turn it abusive or Beauty and The Beast so I'm going say no to it.

2. I haven't Asked these two at all: ErroR_MaN_CHilD or TwentyOnePinetrees

So I will put Error's ship (I'm still testing it) on maybe until I get a yes. Oh and this is the name of the first day:

Error_One_Pinetrees - Cyanide's Angel 






Please forgive me for not doing your stories of Stockholm Syndrome Week, and I'm sorry.

Next Up: Saurtis - Beautiful Bunny~ Part One

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