Halloween Month: LemonBug - Chloe's Ghost

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Lemon was sad due to the fact Chloe had passed away. Chloe was killed by Cyanide Poisoning and it was not pretty. 

Chloe stated that Lemon shall have the house and no one or no thing shall take it, and her electronics along with the little Kitten named Lily. Lemon didn't care that she had given her every possession in the house, or the kitten. The love she had with Chloe was Gone, A love that no one could replace.

Lemon cried in the room Chloe had slept in. She missed her too much. "Goon too soon." She said crying. She missed. She tried not to let any uh... snot get on the pink stuff of Chloe's. Chloe said She would be Mad, and Lemon would often spend nights crying in her own room. Lemon had something that no one could ever reply

Lemon went to visit her grave a few days later.

She missed Chloe.

She went to drop off a necklace Chloe got her and a bracelet Lemon gave to her. She was crying horribly and plus Chloe wasn't there to comfort her. She remembered how it happed.


Chloe was outside with Lemon. Chloe was playing the Violin and Lemon was dancing when someone screamed. They stopped what they were the doing. It was Ellie, the town Farmer. "Get Away from me!" Ellie screamed It was a stranger who had a dart, who had a Blade that contained deadly traces of cyandie, however The Dagger could only kill one person. The man saw Lemon, he didn't see Chloe. He threw the dagger. 

"Lemon, Move!" Chloe said. Chloe pushed her out of the way. She felt pain as she froze, and looked Down.

The Dagger 




Chloe gasped for air but could not breathe. She fell. Lemon froze came on the verge of crying as she went to her side. "No Chloe!" She cried, as Ellie got help but by the time she did, It was too late. The Stranger was never caught.

Flashback ended

Chloe was gone thanks to.... whoever he was. Lemon cried. She would have never realized someone was behind her had a twig snapping not broke her thoughts. She turned around and froze. It was him! The Stranger who killed Her beloved.

"Why?! Why did you kill her?!" Lemon yelled in anger and frustration. She was mad, but the stranger replied. "I didn't see her and plus she was in my way." "In your way?" She was no confused along with the previous emotions. "You will be joining her soon." He said. 

He raised the dagger as he held Lemon's arms down with his foot. That would have been the end.

Would have...

"I Can't move!" He said. The dagger was raised but wasn't moving. "You Stay Away from my girlfriend." It was Chloe. "If you Touch her, I will be the reason of your Demise! Never go near her again!" She said, and the stranger fell off the hill. Chloe had kicked him. She took the knife that was about to stab Lemon and threw it above the Stranger's head. She then hugged her, and kissed her on the cheek.

Two days later

She waited for the news that they were going to the beach from her parents. Lemon was excited. They came in but they walked through her. She was a ghost! "Ahh!" She screamed. "Did you hear something, Dear?" "No." Lemon was dead. 

"Darn it Chloe!"

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