Halloween Month: Error_One_Pinetrees - Betrayal

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Pinetrees was always the class angel and nerd. Error who was the class clown, and her bestie. He loved her like romantically. She didn't feel the same way. 

They had known each other since childhood. It was funny, as their mothers said they would hate each other. What a Coincidence!

Today was a school break. They had the entire day to themselves. Pinetrees decided to study and read, and Error wanted a fun night. He knew that today, she... She needed a break.

"Hey Pine Dearest~" Error said Playfully, not trying to get on her nerves. "Yes, Error?" They said. 

Author's Note: Pronouns are They/Them or She/Her.

Pinetree said that with a hint of annoyance. Trying to read.

"C'mon let's go, you need a break." She sighed. Knowing he'd never stop, until she said yes. She had given up fighting him a long time ago. Had she not, they'd never be friends with him. They, she sighed, and accepting the fact, she'd never get this test done. 

They went to Paige's (Sorry to any wattpad users names/ names Paige) place. They went to play games, have dinner, and dance the night away.

Pinetree Wasn't too happy, but she hadn't seen Paige in a while. 


It was Pinetrees turn to pick a game. A game of Hide and Seek Rescue. The rules we simple. You'd hide, and play out a Scenario, pretending to be in a life or death Situation. The Seeker or Seekers would have to save everyone. While the people hide in their scenario like spots. 

Error's picked the scenario, of the poison pool. The pool was poisoned supposedly. And Pinetrees was the Seeker. 

Ellie was always the loudest, she was found first. Her Scenario was A killer was in the house in the attic, who was attracted to loud noise while waiting for the hero to save her.

John was found immediately. He was predictable. His Scenario was they gonna be in a fire. A strong fire.

Micheala, And Micheal, the two twins always were quiet but their shadows gave them away. Their Scenario was Black Widows in the Shadows. Basically trying not to die, while a Black Widow Bite them with too much venom, and the seeker had the antidote.

Paige and Error had yet to be found. The others left. They said they'd leave after the Seeker found them. Paige didn't leave cause it was Her house! Paige's Scenario was she was dangling from the edge of a cliff.

Pinetrees helped Paige up. She, they saw Error. "You found me." Pinetree started laughing after Paige left to go say goodbye to everyone. "Aren't you gonna help me?" "Sorry pal, there was no pool. She said. Error looked down. There was no water. "Help Me Please." Error pleaded. "Sorry but.... You need to rest for a bit." She said before knocking him down. Error Screamed. All he feels as he falls to his ultimate demise is Betrayal.

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