CHAPTER 2: Min Yoongi

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The heir of Min clan is brushing his ash gray hair with his fingers while staring at the only girl he needs to protect more than his life. He met her brown eyes as she gave him a nod, he look back to the man standing beside him, as the man sign the contract sealing the success of their first mission.

He used to be the one pulling the trigger to kill her demons but today was different, there's something that makes her different for what she is before.

"It's my pleasure to be your escort at the dance Delaney" said by the man beside him.

"I'm here for business sir, not for the dance."

"Please call me Marco, what do you mean? you're not going to the dance?"

"I'm not going, sir. Like what i said i came here for business and since we're done here I have no reason to be there."

"Well, if that's the case I'll just pen this up and make sure that they will never ever treat you the same way as I did."

"I'll trust you then, I need to go." Then She just walks away.

The limousine waiting for the Delaney heiress came, Yoongi asked the driver to change their route "So, were going to the happiest place on earth again Ms. Delaney."

He knows her well, probably all sides of her story, almost every edge and turns of it. More than anyone he knows that like the left wing of the Delaney's mansion, Disney land is her safe heaven. His heart failed him every time he remembers that the only memory she had with her parents is when they travel one winter night going on the happiest place on earth and only for that one moment she felt like she had a normal family, that for one moment she's not a Delaney but a little girl having the time of her life holding into her parents hand.

When they arrived at their destination, they both walk away from each other, it's one of the few places they could show their true selves, no clan, no princess to protect, and no business.

Of all people, he relates to Snow the most, just like the moment when his mother leaves their clan, him and his father at this dinner when he was a child. He remembers it clearly, he remembered the warm smile of his father while staring at him as he ordered his hot chocolate and the sweet voice of her mother telling him that she needs to go out for a while, he remembers how he watched the cup of hot chocolate became as cold as the weather outside, and as the cold grow every hour so as the pain as they've waited but never seen her again. He remembers the silent cry of his father on their way back to the airport, that's when he knew that she left them, she left the clan and she walked out of their lives.

He remembers the pain,the pain that is so little compared to the pain of the Delaney kid, the pain that made her numb day by day as she continued to live by their mansion,enduring the fact that all of the people close to her heart, shut their doors for her and left her alone.

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