Sass Battle!!

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Heyo, peeps! So, I was reading through my notes and I found a bunch of old skits that I wrote when I first started Uni this year, but never ended up publishing.... They made some of my close friends laugh, though, and we ended up writing a few more skits together, for this chapter, so I thought I'd publish it now! ^w^ just for my peeps....

The first five skits are from before I started my Uni course, the next four are from my first Semester at Uni, and then the rest of the skits are from recently... and yea!!

Some of the stuff mentioned – like characters, shows, games, places, and obviously songs – I can't take credit for, but I do give credit to their original owners. There is also a bit of course language (bleeped our via this "*" symbol) and mature themes in a number of the skits, so please read with caution.

I hope you enjoy the randomness! And most importantly.... the sass... ^W^


(While SERPENT, LARVA and ANTENNA are helping LOFTY and VALENTINE set up 'Fabulous Fashion & B*tching Boutiques' in the morning, VALENTINE puts on some "fun" music)

VALENTINE: (Playing "Love Game - by Lady Gaga" and singing to it) Let's have some fun, this beat is sick~

LOFTY: (Can't sing, so he basically raps) I wanna take a ride on your disco stick~~!!!! ^w^

SERPENT: (Takes it so very wrong) Pfffft!!!!!!! (Falls to the ground in hysterical laughter) AHAHA HAHA!!!!!! That's my little brother! He just said that!!! AHAHA!!!!! Oh my gosh..... I... I can't.... it's too funny!!!! AHAHA!!!!! (Tries to catch her breath but is too busy laughing) HAHA!!!!!!!! *ded* Aw, that was too funny...

ANTENNA: (Shakes his head a little) I almost can't believe I'm related to you both.

LARVA: I know how you feel..... I grew up on a boat with that one. (Motions to SERPENT)

ANTENNA: And I grew up in the desert with the other.....

LARVA: Wanna... (Subtly motions to the door while mouthing the word 'ditch')

ANTENNA: ...... Yea.

(LARVA and ANTENNA try to sneak out the door.)

LOFTY: Nuuu!!!! Don't leave meh!!

ANTENNA: (Stops trying to sneak away) Fine.

LOFTY: Yay!!!!


(While SATORU and KAITO are in the kitchen, waiting for their food to cook, they just stand around, briefly staring at whatever)

SATORU: ......... (Sudden thought) Hey, I got some bleach. Wanna try some with me?

KAITO: (Gives him a slight "wtf" look) ............. (Shrugs a bit) Yea, okay.

(KAITO grabs some bleach with SATORU while YUMI and AKEMI give them weird looks.)

YUMI: (Shakes her head) You are a lost cause.

SATORU: Thank you! (Smiles like a crazy person)


JAY: (Slithering around in snake form until he finds another snake) OwO Food!!! (Attacks it, bites its head and shifts into human form) ^•^ Mmmm.......

MITSUHANA: (Looks up from her book and sees JAY eating a live snake) Jay.....

JAY: (Smiles at MITSUHANA with the snake's tail hanging out of his mouth) Yesh?

MITSUHANA: (Frowns) If you're gonna eat that go into another room.

JAY: (Pouts) But I want cuddles! (Goes to hug MITSUHANA with the snake still hanging out of his mouth)

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