part 12

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I come home and sit on couch with my head in my hands. I love her but I don't let her in. I think it's time now. I get up and put my diary on my bed, my laptop and box with M&M stuff. I go downstairs and wrote few letters because I know she will come. I leave my phone on table and just go out. I said I will leave and I will really do it. Before I start to walk away I look last time at her house. "I'm sorry I can't anymore" I say.
Next week Marcus didn't come out of his house. He didn't answer any of my calls or messages. I need to know if he is okay. I go to his house and ring door bell and knock few times but he didn't open. "Marcus please open" I said. I try to open door and they are unlocked. "Marcus where are you" I yelled but no answer. His car is here he didn't can go anywhere. I go in living room and see his phone on table with paper on it. 'Dominica' is writen on it. "MARCUS" I yelled one more time but I didn't get answer. I sit down and take letter. What he wrote and where is he? I start to worry and I think I won't be happy if I read what is inside. I leave letter and try to find him around the house but I didn't. I sight and go back in living room. "tell me this prank or something" I say and open letter. I take deep breath and start to read it.

Where did he go?

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