Chapter 2

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(Hey it's me Eckokitty :P this is the second chapter of my very first book and i really hope you like it :). this chapter is a bit boring but its necessary for the story thanks for reading <3)

Belles P.O.V.

    I stared nervously out the window, I had been to school before but it was elementary. Dr. Goran had always homeschooled me after that. Dr.Goran was my guardian, when my parents left me at the orphanage he came by looking for a pupil. He taught me martial arts and how to kill all the monsters I would face. He died a year ago while on a quest noone knows what happened to him.  Either way it hadn't been a very nice school experience and I wasn't looking forward to the same thing happening at Burmington. A boy sat next to me, he looked about my age 15 or 16. Shoo. I don't want to talk. He was handsome with tanned skin and dark hair but I wasn't here for romance. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Hey there," He said. I wanted to ignore him but what was the point of that?

"Hi." I replied sharply. He looked taken aback, I smirked.

"So what's your name?" He replied. 

I sighed. "Belle, and yours?"

"Drake, where are you heading? I haven't seen you around before." He was asking too many questions. I looked somberly out the window again and stared at the trees passing by.

"Burmington, I'm an exchange student," I looked at my feet.

Drake grinned "I'm going to Burmington too! We should hang out sometime! Maybe we have the same classes?" he pulled out his iphone and handed it to me. "Here, type in your number,"

I blushed and looked down at my feet again. "I uh, I don't have a phone."

He laughed "You're kidding right?" I frowned. "Oh, well this my stop I guess I'll see you around?"

"Yeah ok," I said.


 After I got off the train I ran into the restroom and threw up my guts. I hated trains so much. "Train sickness?" I instinctively whirled around to be face to face with some old lady.

"Uh, yeah" I muttered.

"Oh well it happens to the best us," She smiled kindly. "I'm guessing you're Belle?"

"Uh yeah, how do you know me?" I inquired a little harshly, I had never seen this woman in my life. And if I did I would've definitely remembered it, her face was caked with white powdered and she had huge arching black eyebrows. Her Cherry red lipstick was smeared and her periwinkle eyeshadow was all over the place. It looked like she got punched in the face with a makeup stand.

"The council said you needed a place to stay," she whispered. I nodded. She snapped her fingers and a short woman in an apron grabbed my things and walked out. "Miriam will get your things my chauffer is waiting outside with the limo," she said curtlly.

"Well come on then, we don't have all day " she snapped. Ok, this lady definitely had some money, alot of money. When we arrived at her mansion, yes I said mansion Miriam took me up to my room and set my things on a gorgeous black satin four poster bed. Apparently the old woman's name was Mrs.Valvacotta she donated everything in this rooom including the amazing bed in favor of my mission. The pillows were extremely soft and warm. The white walls were painted with black swirls that almost seemed to move if you stared at them, and the plush carpet was a light lavender color. A white vanity had a makeup box and some other things I might need now that I've moved in. I took a quick shower and hung my clothes up in the walk in closet.

   I sighed and looked at the class schedule Miriam had handed me. This is gonne be a long mission. I grabbed all the school supplies Mrs.Valvacotta had graciously bought for me and stuffed them in a bag. Then I headed out for my first day at Burmington High.

Monster Hunter Book 1 of the Wanted seriesWhere stories live. Discover now