Chapter 3

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  Rosie's P.O.V.

   "DAMN IT DRAKE GIVE ME BACK MY IPOD!" I screamed furiously as Drake ran around with my Ipod laughing hysterically. He turned his head towards me not looking where he was going and ran right into a wall. I tried not to laugh as I helped him up. He glared at me and gave me back my ipod reluctantly. Taylor chuckled and patted Drake on the back "That's karma for ya," he grinned. Drake fumed and then perked up suddenly pointing to some girl in the hallway. "OOH! OOH! I KNOW HER!" he jumped up and down excitedly. I swore if he wasn't so tall I would've mistaken him for a five year old. "Congradulations?" Taylor said confused.

   She turned around and I could see why Taylor was excited, she was quite pretty. With light blonde hair that looked like it came out of a bottle and bright piercing blue eyes she was definitely model-worthy. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail and she was wearing black jacket and combat boots. She looked like some teenage assasin. Taylor looked absolutely mortified though. I raised my eyebrow at him curiously and he pretended to shrug non-chalantly. The bell rang and he kissed me good luck, I smiled and kissed him back. He was a great boyfriend one of the best I've ever had, but lately he's been acting strange. I turned around to hug Drake but he had already took off after the new girl.

    I walked into science and sat down next to my friend Jessica. I looked over and was surprised to see the new girl was also in the class studying every person carefully. What the hell. I thought, but my thoughts were interupted when my teacher Mr. Denstein slammed a ruler on his desk. "Attention class" He said in his listen to me or die voice. "As most of you know we have a test today on chemical reactions, I hope you all have studied and I wish you good luck," he then turned to the new student and said "Ah, you must be Belle welcome to Burmington High." he paused and said. "I assume you've learned this at your old school." she nodded and he passed out papers and sat down at his desk.

    I left science feeling good about myself. Drake ran over smiling dragging the new girl Belle behind him. For someone who looked so tough she looked genuinely shocked. "HEYROSIEGUESSWHOIMETHERNAMEISBELLEWEMETONATRAINISNTSHEPRETTY!?" he yelled talking way faster then what was humanly possible. "Whoa, whoa what." I said. He grinned and slowed down. "This is Belle!" he said normally. "Hi." I said. She narrowed her eyes looking me up and down. I felt like she was looking straight through me. She then eased up and said "Hey." Then she yanked her arm out of Drake's death grip and relaxed. Drake pouted and she sighed and offered her arm back.

    Drake sighed like a lovesick twelve year old. "Isn't she amazing?" he whispered. Belle looked extremely uncomfortable. "Drake" I sighed. "I think you're scaring her." He gave her an alarmed look and apologized like a million times. She forgave him and told him to go away. She gave me an awkward look. "Is everyone at this school like him?" she asked. I laughed "No MOST of them are normal." I replied. "So,is this you're first day of highschool?" "No." she said. "I'm a sophmore." I was surprised she looked so lost here. "It's my first day of regular school though." she added. We chatted for a while more and eventually exchanged phone numbers. When I told Drake he gasped and went on and on about how she told him she didn't have a phone.

   She was definitely strange. Not a bad strange, just strange. Especially when she was around Drake or Taylor. it was like she was inspecting them. I laughed silently in my head. Tht was ridiculous she was just a home-schooled kid that was nervous around boys. I turned on my ipod and listened to Jason Derulo on the bus. She texted me:Belle: Hey. how are you? I giggled. She was so formal. I texted back.

Rosie: Good :)

Belle: :)?

Rosie: Smiley face?

Belle: really? :) haha a smiley face!

Rosie: LOL ur funny :D wanna hang out later?

Belle: Ok.

Was she for real? She didn't even know what a smiley face in text was! Maybe she used to be amish? She said she used to live in Chicago though. I'd ask her later.


Belle's P.O.V.

 I looked at the iPhone. The maid had handed it to me in the morning supposing I would know how to use it. Rosie probably thought I was an idiot because I didn't know how to text like every other teenager on the planet. Dr. Goran said electronics were useless. I was starting to doubt that though. I was going to Rosie's later so when I got home I packed up all my stuff and took a quick shower. I really hoped her friend Drake wasn't there. I wasn't sure how to react to half the stuf he said and he reeked of werewolf. He seemed completely in control of himself though. He was probably a member of the alliance. Taylor however, I was almost completely sure he was hiding something. But I couldn't tell what. A werewolf maybe? No, he was too relaxed and quiet. I pondered it as I put my wet hair in a messy bun and grabbed my bag.

   I told the maid I was leaving for awhile and she nodded and added some words to a clipboard she was always carrying around. I walked to Rosie's following the directions she texted me earlier. I arrived at an averaged-sized white house. Perfect for the average modern family. Se let me in and we walked up to her room which was covered in celebrity posters and the color purple. We sat on her bed and laughed and talked about school. By the end of the day she was begging me to stay so I spent the night.  My first sleepover. I didn't realize until now how much i was missing out on being a normal teenager. The fun, the drama, the fact that you don't have to worry about being mauled to death every night.

   I woke up early the next morning and hurriedly put on my black combat boots. Luckily Rosie had not yet discovered the hidden sheath that contained my dagger. I'm extremely paranoid. But can you really blame me? I ate breakfest with Mr. and Mrs. Blades, Rosie's parents, and then walked back home.  Ms.Tawnya (which was apparently the maid's name) ran in clutching in envelope addressed to me. I grabbed it and walked up to the privacy of my room to read it.

Dear Miss Belle Acora,

We are on the edge of seats now. We have gained more information about the monster you are hunting for. It is indeed male and very, very dangerous. He is a vampire. A vampire royale even. Hidden by his family so that we could not exterminate the beast he now lives in chiago with a slave. We hope you discover his identity and we will send more data as soon as our spies come back.

                                                                             Yours Truly,

                                                                                       The Elder Council

 I flopped back onto the bed. Damn it! I was almost certain who this vampire prince was. And considering all the looks he gave me he knows who I am too. Taylor. Why did it have to be Taylor!? Rosie talked about how much she loved him and killing or kidnapping him would break her heart. I sucked in a deep breath and  sat back up. Too bad, he's a threat to Rosie and the whole school. She was just gonna have to get over him.

Picture of how I imagine drake to teh side >.<

Monster Hunter Book 1 of the Wanted seriesWhere stories live. Discover now