More Strangers

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(song----Shout This Voice Dry Naruto Shippuden ending 22)

Ch16 - More Strangers





We'd been led inside the strange city by the guards at the giant stone wall that reminded me of the Leaf's. Once in, they had made us walk straight back to the rear of the village where a dozen of steps laid before us. It looked like it would have taken forever to climb them if it wasn't for the special system.

We were told to stand still and wait where the men had made us go. Soon after, the steps up to the office slanted and created a flat surface. The stone that we stood on moved underneath us, climbing up the side of the flat stairs diagonally. At the very top, the stone locked into place in the gap in the rock at the ground up top.

Where we had once been was a hole where the stone we stood on now had been resting in the ground bellow. It was shaped in a triangular prisim. Two men stood by the two statues that were on the very edge of the stone we stood on now. I had noticed that there were five statues standing bellow on either side at the bottom of the stairs, but what did these two individuals mean?

The two top statues were one male, one female, both facing East towards where my home lay in the Fire Nation. They were both fixed in fighting stances, with their hands by their sides as if preparing a jutsu. A sphere of blue chakra had formed in both their hands when the platform had been activated, raising us up. Now, the chakra faded into nothing, making their hands empty again.

My eyes happened to glance to the girl who had captured us in her water style. Then flashed back to the statue.

They were the same!

Or at least looked the same. Maybe the girl's ancestors were the ones responsible for protecting this village. I could see why their Kage would treasure them, and even dedicate statues in their honor. I still couldn't believe how much simular the woman statue and the real life girl looked the same.

It just made me wonder where I was again.




"Hosekikage, Esunea and the others have returned with prisioners!" Kotone Yamada said, busting into Haramuka's office without knocking.

"Prisioners?" The Kage said, turing around."So she found the white plant people?" She asked.

"No, these prisioners are people from the East. Rouge ninja." Kotone correcter her.

"In the case, prepare them in one of the chambers!" Haramuka bellowed."I'll see to their interigation myself!" She ordered.

"Hai, Hosekiakge!" Kotone shouted in her small voice, standing at attention. As soon as she said that, she turned on her heels and marched out of the office and out into the hall again.

These strangers, who were they? And where had they come from? Kotone wondered. She'd been a genin when the Nakamura clan was massacred because they had been suspected of treachery, but years later when it turned out they told the truth she had just become a chunin. Now, she was a young Jonin. She'd been one for a while, but wasn't as old as the others that were much stronger than her.

It had to be pure chance that the Kage had selected her as her secretary. Kotone wasn't very good at genjutsu or taijutsu. The only thing she had was her Kekkei Genkai, or blood inheritance, going for her. Her clan was the oldest of all the clans that lived here in the West, developing a favoritism of water and earth elements. Those with both traits had invented a whole new kind of jutsu: blood bending. The user controled the liquid in the body of the opponet to restrain them, and used the earth element of their bodies themselves to command them at will.

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