Following the Light

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(song----Childhood Memories Naruto soundtrack)

Chapter 41 - Following the Light

(Third person view)

Ren's old personality faded away and his facial features softened before they realized the horrible truth.

"Why would you give yourself to me?!" He cried, as he held the sword that had pierced through his own, still alive, sister.

Instead of running at him in equal furry, she had let her lightning attack fade and embraced him in a hug. Her arms were still wrapped around him, trapping him but not to prevent another attack. Esunea was holding him close to her, because that was what she wanted to do. She wanted to hug her deceased brother one last time.

"Why?" he repeated so soft it was almost a whisper.

Ren's memories of when he was little began to flood back to him.

It was the middle of the Summer. His mother and father had gone off on a mission in which they would never return from. When it was clear they weren't coming back, something had to be decided upon where they boy would be put with in the clan. As an investigated youngster, Ren had wandered around the head of the clan's home and stumbled by the room in which they were dicussing his future.

"I'll take him." Tsubasa Nakamura had offered.

"But won't he be trouble?" one of his other relatives asked the head.

Tsubasa thought for a moment."I don't think so. I'll give him an important task that will keep his mind focused."

"What do you mean by that?" The other man questioned him.

"He'll become a body guard and a friend to my daughter." The clan leader decided.

Ren was old enough to understand what they were saying, and didn't like it. He didn't want to be friends with a stuffy main house girl. She'd probably treat him like trash. He left from the door before Tsubasa could discover him and returned to the garden where he was suppose to be waiting.

A few days later, he had been moved into the head of the clan's home and given his own room. Tsubasa had him walk beside him. Ren knew what they were doing. He was going to be introduced to the adult's daughter and then forced to be her slave for the rest of his life.

"Esunea, come here please." The gentle leader called out to the girl who was prancing around in the garden beside her mother.

The girl and the woman walked their way and stood a few feet away.

"Ren, this is Esunea. You two are going to be friends from now on." Tsubasa told the two children.

There was a moment of silence as the two kids stared at each other intently.

"I don't like him." Esunea said, crossing her arms in front of her chest and sticking her tongue out.

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