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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of Stephenie Meyer's characters or story. However, I do own the rights to characters of my own creation (Clara Lockett etc.) and the concept and plot. 


The walls were a pale green that reminded me of vomit.

School. Hell. Words that were easily mixed up in my vocabulary.

I couldn't breathe here. It was like living in the ocean and not being able to swim. I was constantly drifting in and out of consciousness; eventually I would drown.

Sound lost meaning to me in this dismal excuse for a cafeteria and it was like my ears were full of cotton wool; the many voices, all warring with each other for dominance, were lost in their own noise. Mine hardly ever joined the chorus of conversation, mainly because no one ever asked me to join one.

They could sense it, unease surrounded me like a thin mist.

I couldn't understand it. Even at a young age, it was like I was invisible. I saw people almost look through me, rather than at me. They drifted away from me without thinking, in a group it was as if I were a shark among fish. They made more room than was necessary for my lonely, little body. As years passed, I also noticed that my name would hardly ever stick to paper unless my hand had placed it there. Angry phone calls were repeatedly made to my bewildered parents concerning paper work with my details, such as my address, that had gone missing. It was as if the universe didn't wish to recognize me, or to let any trace of me leave a mark on this world. It was utterly bizarre and more than a little lonely.

But, I learned to live with it.

As usual, I sat alone at my lunch table, picking rather than eating my salad. I was trying to be good but being good was so utterly tasteless and like anyone would see me if I was skinny or fat. I could be ugly as sin or mega-foxy-awesome hot and it wouldn't matter...

I pushed the salad away, I had lost my fickle appetite.

I wasn't beautiful but I wasn't ugly either. I could lose weight but I was still healthy, I simply looked as if I had held onto my puppy fat for a bit too long. You could almost see potential beneath the slightly rounded cheeks and long, soft arms for something better than average. I gave up on acheiving that potential a while ago. Someone told me once I looked like a baby seal. At the time I hadn't minded the slightly veiled insult. I was simply happy they had taken notice enough to make the evaluation.

I sighed at the gravity of my invisibility.

I was really fairly friendly if you noticed me enough to get to know me. My parents and my brother thought so anyway... Alright I guess my family kind of have to say that. The truth was they sometimes struggled to see me too.

The bell for the end of lunch rang timidly in the cafeteria, dying out after a few seconds as if ashamed of its part in sending us back to our education.

I took my seat at the back of the classroom and stared longingly out of the window at a robin who seemed to be mocking me. He danced gleefully across a thin branch, almost strutting. His proud, red chest was puffed out as if to show off his unique beauty and I couldn't help but agree that he had every right to do so. After a few more renditions of his theatrics. His delicate body danced the odd jig across the bark once more before throwing himself into the sky. I watched after him for a few moments, before I shook my head as I realized I was actually getting jealous of a bird.

Soon enough though, I was distracted again as the class actually succeeded in catching my attention. Although it had nothing to do with the riveting discussion on the social conventions of the characters in 'Pride and Prejudice'.

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