13. where we belong

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Camp is over and Freed is feeling wistful. Natsu and Freed have a heart to heart.


Camp flew by in a blur of workshops, bonfires, singalongs, craft-making, swimming, counseling campers through several crises, and eating far too many s'mores. Freed spent their time floating between activities, making sure everything flowed smoothly. With the exception of Sting and Natsu's soccer match that ended with the ball hitting a hornet's nest, and the two teens who fell off the dock and needed to be rescued by Gray, the week went by as smoothly as Freed could have hoped.

On the final morning Freed was startled awake by the sound of heavy bass reverberating outside the cabin window. Music drifted in, loud and poppy.

"Ughhhh it's too early for... vwhatever that is," they grumbled, grabbing their phone from under their pillow and glancing at the numbers. 6:58 – two minutes before their alarm was set to go off.

"Never too early for Nicki Minaj," Natsu argued cheerfully. Freed looked over at him – he was sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling on his t-shirt and slipping his feet into his flip-flops. His hair was messy and he ran a hand through it, trying unsuccessfully to flatten it out. "Welcome to the final day." He grinned at Freed.

"How are you such a morning person?" Freed yawned, rubbing their face. Natsu laughed.

"I wasn't always," he admitted. "But Gray gets up at ungodly early o'clock to go swimming and I wanted him to teach me, and then it just kinda became a thing." He smiled, tipping his head to the side. "It's like... our time. We get to just enjoy each other before the world wakes up."

"That's the sappiest thing I've heard since your wedding vows," Freed teased.

"Yeah, well..." Natsu trailed off, smiling softly. Then he gave Freed a concerned look. "You were up late with Jace, hey?"

Freed nodded, sitting up in the bed and crossing their legs. Jace, a young trans boy in his first year at camp, had knocked on their door at two in the morning. He'd been in tears, worrying about his parents and going home. Freed had spent over an hour with him, listening to his fears and trying to give him some reassurance.

"You're good at that," Natsu said, voice gentle. "They listen to you. You make a huge difference in these kid's lives." Freed felt an embarrassed flush creeping up their neck and they ducked their head.

"Thank you," they said quietly. "I know it sounds dramatic but this place really saved me when I was younger." Natsu nodded understandingly, moving to sit next to Freed on their bed. He smelled like campfire smoke and coffee. "Meeting other people like me was amazing, and I want these kids to have the same experience."

"I'm glad we're friends," Natsu said suddenly, fidgeting a little. He looked slightly embarrassed. "I know your friendship means a lot to Gray, but I want you to know that I appreciate it too. You being my friend, I mean." Freed felt their lips curling up in a smile and they leaned against Natsu's shoulder. "Laxus too, even though he scared the crap outta me when I met him." Freed laughed.

"You're important to me, too," they said softly, letting Natsu wrap his arm around them. "And I hope this doesn't sound patronizing but you've been really brave this week." Natsu exhaled softly. He and Gray had spent nearly every afternoon in the pool with the campers, both shirtless and working through their fears. "The kids really look up to you. You inspire them."

"They inspire me, too," Natsu said softly, resting his cheek on top of Freed's head. They sat like that for a moment, then Natsu squeezed Freed's shoulder and stood up, rubbing his eyes. "Looks like there's a dance party I'm missing out there. See you at breakfast!"

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