The Trailer

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New adventure coming to you lovely people on October 13th, 2018!

This work of visual art is brought to you by the one and only FatBottomedGirls. Thank you so much, my loves.

This is the Grease/Endless Summer/Dirty Dancing/Ringling Brothers story of your dreams with a few sweet twists (don't you know me by now?) bruh 🤙🏻

Welcome to Birdie's fantasy world of pure, whimsical fiction. It includes an intentionally dubious pathological situation, amusing old chestnuts, as well as objects and bearings of my own invention. And of course, the best smut you've ever read. I'm so excited to tug on your heart and kitty strings again. Let's have some fun with this one!

I credit this story to several people. chanmapan for planting the seed ages ago and FatBottomedGirls, harryslovehandles_ and confessionharry  for helping it blossom. I've said it once and I'll say it again: it takes a village! This includes you, all of my favorite readers, for encouraging me along with voting and commenting on each chapter.

I hope you guys enjoy it. I've been working on this creation for quite some time now, so I've got chapters lined up in order to cut down on your wait period.

Let's do this!

Love you all! Missed you.
Xx Birdie

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